Society and State in the Gulf and Arab Peninsula (A Different Perspective)

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AuthorKhaldoun Hassan Al-NaqeebDate27/2/2023No. of Pages224EditionSixthISBN9786144980200

Categories ,

Weight0,33 kg
Dimensions24 × 17 cm

The Center for Arab Unity Studies has released the sixth edition of the book Society and the State in the Gulf and Arabia (a new perspective) by Khaldoun Hassan Al Naqib.
This book is one of five volumes issued by the Center for Arab Unity Studies pertaining to the subject matter of society and the state in the Arab world, intended for a project titled “Prospective outlooks on the Arab world” in which a group of Arab scholars and experts from various academic backgrounds engaged in uncovering the present and future capabilities of the region.
The book provides insight on the economic situation in the Gulf throughout the sixteenth century to the twentieth century. It also discusses the role of the great powers and that of the Gulf ruling families in shaping social and economic factors in the region, thus highlighting the first seeds of imperialist domination in the Gulf. The study vigorously employs a critical methodology in assessing scholarly and historical sources in the aim of contributing with viable scientific material to the field of studies concerned, which in this regard concerns the societies and countries of the Gulf and the Arabian Peninsula. Although the first edition of this book was published in the 1980s, it is still viewed as a valuable reference for conducting sociological research in the Gulf and the Arabian Peninsula, hence a valid source for explaining many of the problems that the countries and societies of the Gulf states are currently living in.


خلدون حسن النقيب

2011 ،)حائز درجة الدكتوراه من جامعة تكساس أوستن، عام
باحث ومفكر عربي من الكويت )1941-
ة، منها:
ِ في علم الاجتماع السياسي في جامعة الكويت، وشغل مناصب علمية عّد
1976 ،عمل أستاذاً
1992 .)وكان
-1986(و(، 1981
رئيس قسم االجتماع والخدمة االجتماعية، وعميد كلية اآلداب )1978-
1986 ) ُ وهي مجلة علمية أكاديمية م َّحكمة،
لتحرير المجلة العربية للعلوم االجتماعية )
كما كان عضو هيئة تحرير في عدة مجالت علمية، وكان له دور فاعل في إصدار مجلة حوليات في كلية
اآلداب في جامعة الكويت الكويتية. للدكتور خلدون حسن النقيب عدد كبير من المؤلفات العلمية
والفكرية والدراسات المرجعية التي أغنت المكتبة العربية.

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