Systemic Corruption and Authoritarian State in Algeria since Independence

$10 $

AuthorMohammed Halim LimamDate23/10/2017No. of Pages247EditionfirstISBN9789953828107E-ISBN9786144982532


Weight0,32 kg
Dimensions17 × 24 cm
Product Type

Electronic, Paper

The book seeks to understand the nature of the phenomenon of corruption in Algeria, by examining the relationship between the penetration of corruption and the penetration of tyranny since independence, in the sense that the components of authoritarianism are inherent to the pattern of systemic corruption, the latter in turn constitutes a basis and a key factor and the basis for the sustainability of authoritarianism. Therefore, the book presents and compares the syndromes of systemic corruption in democracies and non-democratic systems, and attempts to derive those syndromes in Algeria, discussing at first the weight of history and the effect of colonial experience and its role in imposing and consolidating authoritarianism. The book focuses on examining the consequences of three effects and how they have contributed to the consolidation of authoritarianism and how to allow it to adapt to the developments taking place internationally, regionally and locally, namely, the Neopatrimonialism, rentier capitalism, and ethnicity. In order to understand the link between the spread of corruption and the permanence of authoritarianism, the book proposes the existence of »cycles of corruption«, and each cycle takes the character of the mechanisms of governance adopted at every stage of the authoritarian state from independence until today.

محمد حليم ليمام

حائز على شهادة الدكتوراه في العلوم السياسية والعلاقات الدولية وأستاذ في كلية العلوم السياسية والعلاقات الدولية جامعة الجزائر 3. من أبرز منشوراته: ظاهرة الفساد السياسي في الجزائر: الأسباب والآثار والإصلاح، الفساد النسقي والدولة السلطوية: حالة الجزائر منذ الاستقلال.

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