Out of Hell: Uprising of a New Global Ecological Consciousness, or Extinction

8,00 $13,00 $

AuthorSaad MehioDate18/5/2020No. of Pages272EditionsecondISBN9789953829074E-ISBN9786144981825

Weight0,415 kg
Dimensions17 × 24 cm
Product Type

Electronic, Paper


This book, which received on its first edition the Prince Muhammad Bin Fahd Prize for the Best Book in the Arab World (2018-2019), is an outstanding reading on the risks of environmental destruction in the world, as it includes most aspects of current environmental disasters. From the nature of international relations, energy wars, and the blind reverence to technology (at the expense of the environment) to perpetuating the destructive “Machiavellian consciousness” (as the book calls it), in addition to the facts of global climate change, and other imbalances that are facing the earth’s environmental safety.

The writer explains that our egoistical consciousness, which was inherited from the Stone Age times’ survival instincts, no longer threatens to destroy the human species alone, but has begun to drag the whole of living nature into mass extinction.

Earth can no longer endure this terrible orgy of violence and destruction. The dream of man became the nightmare of nature, and leaders who are supposed to guide people towards the path of righteousness, became deserving of undergoing Noah’s devastating floods again, for instead of assuming the image in which God created for them, they have created God in their own instinctive destructive image.

Is there still an opportunity to leave this netherworld before it is too late? This is what the book attempts to address on strategic, economic and international levels, as well as environmental and cultural levels.


سعد محيو

كاتب وصحافي لبناني. من مؤلفاته: الخروج من جهنم: انتفاضة وعي بيئي كوني جديد أو الانقراض الفائز بجائزة الأمير محمد بن فهد لأفضل كتاب في مجال التنمية البيئية في الوطن العربي لعام 2018-2019 (ط 2، مركز دراسات الوحدة العربية، 2020)؛ مأزق الحداثة العربية: من احتلال مصر إلى احتلال العراق (مركز دراسات الوحدة العربية، 2010)؛ العرب والعولمة (دار الخليج، 1999)؛ السياسة الأميركية بين الثابث والمتحول (معهد الإنماء العربي، 1985)؛ والأزمة الرأسمالية العالمية الراهنة (دار ابن خلدون، 1981). هذا إضافة إلى عدد من الدراسات الاستراتيجية والدولية.

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