A history of the Middle East: from Antiquity to the present day (*)
Author: Georges Corm Book review by: Ziad Hafez (**) Published by:…
The Arab mind: An ontology of abstraction and concreteness (*) (**)
Introduction: This review essay started as a book review; however, the…
Marginalization and Ethnicization in the Sudan (*)
Abstract: This paper is based on the hypothesis that the crisis of the…
Mauritanian–Israeli relations: from normalization to freeze to suspension (*)
Abstract: This article explores the background to normalization of…
American foreign policy and peace in the Middle East (*)
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to answer the following question:…
The Arabs and the confrontation with Israel: a contribution to crystallizing the interim goal and determining strategy (*)
Introduction: The Arab debate on the issue of the Arab–Israeli…
The Future of Reform in Oman (*)
Abstract: Oman is currently experiencing a social and political crisis…
A Digital Seminar with Adib Nehmeh on his book "Development and Poverty : A Critical Review of Concepts and Measuring Tools"
The Center for Arab Unity Studies held a digital seminar on the afternoon of…
Some Western concepts through Arab eyes: toward a new Arab epistemology (*)
This article is a call to re-examine current Arab epistemology in…
Inter-State Tensions and Regional Integration: Could the Arab Spring Initiate a Virtuous Circle? (*)
This paper draws on the economic and political sciences literature to…