Edited by: Hani A. Faris

Book review by:  Ali Jarbawi (**)

Published by: I.B. Tauris, London

Year of publication: 2013

number of pages: 400

ISBN: 978-1-78076-094-0


The Palestinian/Arab-Zionist/Israeli conflict has become increasingly complex over the past century or so. Its impact has spread beyond its immediate location in Palestine affecting not only the surrounding region but also the world beyond, as more and more actors, inside and outside the region, have become involved in the conflict and the quest for a solution or, at the very least, a way to manage the successive crises, limits their impact and, as much as possible, mitigates any negative fallout.

Throughout the history of the conflict, several ideas, proposals and plans have been put forward to resolve the dispute over territory between the two ethnic groups, the first of which once called this territory home, before becoming the deliberate target of expulsion and exile by the second, the new arrivals, who were intent upon displacing the first. Over time, facts on the ground and human rights issues have added to already existing demands to reinstate the status quo ante and allow the land’s original inhabitants to return home, thus making reconciliation of the two parties’ demands and interests the main and necessary basis for an eventual solution. Given the changing facts on the ground and prevailing political conditions, efforts to reconcile the conflicting interests of the protagonists have shifted between favouring their separation, through the establishment of two independent states on one land, and integration of the two peoples in a single state with justice and equality for all. However, despite the impact of new facts on the ground and changing conditions that have appeared to shift the balance in favour of one solution over the other, at different times both options have remained equally viable.


Read full text here  The Failure of the Two-State Solution- The Prospects of the One State in the Israel–Palestine Conflict


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