Author: Khaled A. Beydoun

Book review by:  Ziad Hafez

Published by: Oakland, University of California Press

Year of publication: 2018

ISBN: 978-0-5202977-9-1

This short well-written book will have a tremendous impact. It addresses one of the hot-button issues in the United States, and in the opinion of this reviewer, in extenso in the rest of the Western world. Islamophobia is not just a passing phase but a structural phenomenon.

The author, Khaled A. Beydoun, is a rising legal scholar who is drawing praise from many circles. The blurb on the back cover, for example, has praise from Naomi Klein. Beydoun has published many legal articles in prominent law journals, such as California Law Review and Columbia Law Review. He has also written for major newspapers such as The Washington Post and for television networks such as Al Jazeera. The present book is his first, but it targets a large audience of those who are not familiar with the topic. Hence, the writing style is simple and clear.

Read full text here:

American Islamophobia: Understanding the Roots and Rise of Fear