Towards an Environmental Approach to Water in the Arab Region

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AuthorAlhussein ShukraniDate22/6/2021No. of Pages304EditionsecondISBN9789953829418E-ISBN9786144981382

Weight0,47 kg
Dimensions17 × 24 cm
Product Type

Electronic, Paper

The Center for Arab Unity Studies released the updated second edition of the book Towards an Environmental Approach to Water in the Arab Region by Dr. El-Hussein Chougrani.

This book examines the most important environmental approaches and the most capable of analyzing the conflict system over water against national interests, proposing objective alternatives to win the stakes and challenges of sustainable and complex water tensions in the Arab region.

The book links the talk about the existence of an environmental “theory” in international relations with a package of interrelated basic concepts, such as sustainable development, joint but differentiated responsibility, the trade-off between gains and losses, and the promotion of green diplomacy mechanisms in global and regional negotiations. He believes that the field of environmental theorizing has not yet gained, in our Arab world, the necessary place in the field of intertwined international relations between states and non-state actors (such as non-governmental organizations). The book combines, in a tight methodological construct, between what is theoretical devoted to “environmental theory” in international relations and what is practical, dedicated to the search for an Arab comparison in the water issue.

The book concludes that achieving water security will not happen without knowing and controlling the behavior and strategy of the main actors, the interaction of the rules of the water game in the Arab world, and the rational options available to us in light of the ramifications and complexities of the dispute over water, and the benefits of the water game and its present and future stakes.

الحسين شكراني

باحث في العلاقات الدولية، من مواليد سيدي بوزيد، أكليم (المغرب) عام 1971. حاصل على الدكتوراه في الدينامية الجديدة للعلاقات الدولية من جامعة محمد الأول (كلية العلوم القانونية والاقتصادية والاجتماعية)، وجدة – المغرب. وهو عضو بالجمعية الروسية للقانون الدولي البحري. من مؤلفاته: المقاربة المتوسطية الخضراء للبنــك الأوروبــي للاستثمار (1958-2012): دورها ومحدوديتها وسبـل تطويرها (قيد الطبع)، ونحو مقاربة بيئية للمياه العربية (مركز دراسات الوحدة العربية، 2021)، وتناقضات القانون الدولي: مدخل تحليلي (مركز دراسات الوحدة العربية، 2019). كما نشر عددًا من المقالات والتقارير العلمية في عدة دوريات متخصصة.

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