Man and Environment: Intellectual, Social and Economic Approaches

$11 $

AuthorGroup of AuthorsDate28/7/2017No. of Pages255EditionFirstISBN9789953828060E-ISBN9786144982396

Weight0,39 kg
Dimensions17 × 24 cm
Product Type

Electronic, Paper

This book addresses the problems raised by the environmental question and the role of man in it through several approaches: intellectual include the theoretical level of thought that attempts to raise the question of human thinking in the contemporary environmental reality with the necessary ethical considerations derived from theoretical ethics, in particular the theory of the philosophy of contemporary morality; and it is directly related to the various social sciences, with the aim of studying the various aspects and elements of the relationship between man and the environment from the developmental point of view; and economically related to the material prospects of the cost of environmental impacts at the economic level.

مركز دراسات الوحدة العربية

مركز دراسات الوحدة العربية

The urgency for the establishment for an Arab Unity as a means of reaching independence, solutions to political and economic turmoil, and the establishment a network of cooperation and mutual assistant-ship among countries of the region.

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