In Arab Poetry: Seduction of Texts: Approaches, Pleasures and Consequences

$13 $

AuthorSami SwaydanDate30/6/2022No. of Pages352EditionfirstISBN9789953829944E-ISBN 9786144981108


Weight0,545 kg
Dimensions24 × 17 cm
Product Type

Electronic, Paper

The Center for Arab Unity Studies has published the book In Arab Poetry: Seduction of Texts: Approaches, Pleasures and Consequences by Dr. Sami Swaydan.

This book aspires to contribute to setting the correct and solid foundations for the study of poetic works in an effective and feasible manner, through its adherence to an updated critical approach that is distinct from the common and current in this field. Its basis is an approach that monitors the special formation in which the structure of these works appears, in order to identify the fixed base that allows to show the extent of compatibility or equivalence between its basic components.

The approach in this book is based on distinguishing between three aspects in its endeavors and goals: exegetical specific, concerned with the direct apparent; An implicit explanatory, concerned with the indirect intention, and a hypothetical hermeneutic, looking at the potential unconscious. As this approach aims to realize the semantic richness and aesthetic sophistication of its subjects, it puts the researcher in a dangerous position in terms of the involvement in which he finds himself, as much as he assumes in his approaches, analyzes and conclusions.

It is the dialectic of pleasure and critical thinking, when pleasure becomes a motive for more critical knowledge that looks at the world as a text for invisibility and critical awareness to transcend the superficial, to reach its reality, which alone establishes an actual change that meets authentic, deep and fundamental human needs. Perhaps this book gives its readers an opportunity to verify this.

سامي سويدان

حائز شهادة  الدكتوراه في الدراسات الإسلامية والأدب العربي الحديث عام 1981 من جامعة السوربون الجديدة، باريس الثالثة، فرنسا. درَّس الأدب العربي والنقد الأدبي الحديث وقام بالإشراف على الرسائل والأطاريح في كلية الآداب والعلوم الإنسانية في الجامعة اللبنانية، بيروت. من مؤلفاته: أسئلة النقد والشعرية العربية (2013)؛ المتاهة والتمويه في الرواية العربية (2006)؛ فضاءات السرد ومدارات التخييل في الرواية العربية (2006)؛ بدر شاكر السياب وريادة التجديد في الشعر العربي الحديث (2002)؛ أبحاث في النص الروائي العربي (ط2، 2000)؛ في النص الشعري العربي: مقاربات منهجية (ط2، 1999)؛ جسور الحداثة المعلقة (1997)؛ جدلية الحوار في الثقافة والنقد (1995)؛ في دلالية القصص وشعرية السرد (ط1، 1991). كما ترجم كتاب نقد النقد (مركز الإنماء القومي، 1986) من تأليف تزيفيتان تودوروف.

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