From Reform to Renaissance

7,00 $11,00 $

Author12/4/2022Date20/4/2022No. of Pages222EditionthirdISBN9789953829821E-ISBN9786144981207

Category Tag

Weight0,345 kg
Dimensions24 × 17 cm
Product Type

Electronic, Paper


The Center for Arab Unity Studies published the third edition of the book From Reform to Renaissance by Dr. Abdelilah Belkeziz.

From reform to renaissance is the first part of the project of Arabs and modernity. This book attempts to make a modest contribution to rewriting the history of modernity in contemporary Arab thought. It is an attempt that does not apologize for its desire to reconsider this discourse, which was severely wronged and marginalized – especially in the last quarter of the last century – by most of those who responded to writing the history of modern and contemporary Arab thought from cultural sites that pleaded with ideological premises, and declared hostility to modernity!

The material of this book deals with the discourse of modernity from its inception to the end of the first half of the twentieth century, and the second part of the book was devoted to examining the contexts of development that this discourse went through in the second half of the same century.


عبد الإله بلقزيز

أستاذ الفلسفة في كلية الآداب والعلوم الإنسانية، جامعة الحسن الثاني - الدار البيضاء. له الكثير من المؤلفات الفكرية والفلسفية، منها: ما قبل الاستشراق: الإسلام في الفكر الديني المسيحي (ط 2) (2023)؛ مسالك التقدم: مداخل في الأسس والسياسات (2022)؛ نقد التراث (ط 3) (2020)، من النهضة إلى الحداثة (ط 3) (2020)؛ الدولة والدين في الاجتماع العربي الإسلامي (2015)؛ النبوة والسياسة (ط 3) (2014)؛ من الإصلاح إلى النهضة (ط 2، مزيدة) (2014)؛ الدولة والسلطة والشرعية (2013)؛ الفتنة والانقسام (ط 2) (2012)؛ الدولة في الفكر الإسلامي المعاصر (ط 3) (2011)؛ نهاية الداعية: الممكن والممتنع في أدوار المثقفين (ط 2، مزيدة 2010)؛ ؛ نقد الخطاب القومي (2010).

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