Variables and Becomings: Insights into the Facts of a Changing World

10 $12 $

AuthorAbd al-Ilah BelkzizDate17/04/2024No. of Pages223EditionFirstISBN9786144980538E-ISBN9786144980675

Categories ,

Weight0,345 kg
Dimensions24 × 17 cm
Product Type

Electronic, Paper

The Center for Arab Unity Studies published a new book by Dr. Abd al-Ilah Belkziz entitled Variables and Becomings: Insights into the Facts of a Changing World.

Change is a prevalent law in human society as well as in nature. None of the phenomena of society, economics, politics, or knowledge remains fixed on a permanent basis, even if its longevity has reached a great extent. Soon, a period of time will come upon what is fixed and change it to take a new form. If change in nature is governed by the laws of nature, then in societies it is linked to human will and actions. Because behind the change in human society is an activity that comes from the human will, the time of change or the times in which the action of change occurs in human and social phenomena is not a single fixed time, but rather a changing time, constantly, and linked to the accumulation or development that occurs to the human wills that create it. .

This book attempts to present a critical account of the existing Arab conditions, which have continued to deteriorate since the beginning of the 1990s, along with an attempt to examine this state of tremendous change that the world around us is experiencing. It is a change that leads to reshaping the features of the world. The book reveals a sharp paradox: Arab decline accompanied by a severe blockage of horizons and a severe lack of powers, tools, programs, visions and options, in contrast to the rise of other powers from our southern region whose conditions – until a few decades ago – were similar to ours and sometimes even worse.

عبد الإله بلقزيز

أستاذ الفلسفة في كلية الآداب والعلوم الإنسانية، جامعة الحسن الثاني - الدار البيضاء. اختارته المنظمة العربية للتربية والثقافة والعلوم – أليكسو رمزاً للثقافة العربية لعام 2024. له الكثير من المؤلفات الفكرية والفلسفية، منها: المتغيّرات والصّيرورات: قراءة في معطيات عالم متحوِّل (2024)؛ الثقافة، المعرفة والأيديولوجيا (2024)؛ السلطة في الإسلام: نظرة مقارنة باليهودية والمسيحية (2023)؛ ما قبل الاستشراق: الإسلام في الفكر الديني المسيحي (ط 2، 2023)؛ مسالك التقدم: مداخل في الأسس والسياسات (2022)؛ نقد التراث (ط 3، 2020)؛ من النهضة إلى الحداثة (ط 3، 2020)؛ الدولة والدين في الاجتماع العربي الإسلامي (ط 2، 2017)؛ النبوة والسياسة (ط 3، 2014)؛ من الإصلاح إلى النهضة (ط 2، مزيدة، 2014)؛ الدولة والسلطة والشرعية (ط 2، 2020)؛ الفتنة والانقسام (ط 2، 2012)؛ الدولة في الفكر الإسلامي المعاصر (ط 3، 2011)؛ نهاية الداعية: الممكن والممتنع في أدوار المثقفين (ط 3، 2019)؛ نقد الخطاب القومي (2010).

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