The Destruction of Syria and the Displacement of its People: Who is Responsible?

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AuthorMustafa Abdel Aziz MorsiDate 21/10/2022No. of Pages 368EditionFirstISBN9786144980064E-ISBN9786144981026

Weight0,560 kg
Dimensions24 × 17 cm
Product Type

Electronic, Paper


The Center for Arab Unity Studies has published the book The Destruction of Syria and the Displacement of its people: Who is Responsible? Written by Mustafa Abdel Aziz Morsi.
With the outbreak of the “Arab Spring” in 2011, a general impression prevailed in Arab and international circles, at their various political, cultural, intellectual and media levels, of the hope that the Arab world would enter a new historical phase open to prospects of democratic transformation. However, this impression did not last long, as the peaceful protests that erupted in some Arab countries soon took a violent turn, which plunged those countries into conflicts and wars that express goals and reflect contradictions and represent regional and international parties and interests more than they express local disputes and divisions with reform goals. This book presents a detailed documentary and analytical presentation on the war and conflicts taking place in Syria since the start of the “Arab Spring” protests until today, the dimensions of this war and conflicts, their true goals, the regional and international parties participating in them, and the responsibility of each of these parties in the killing, destruction, displacement, looting of national wealth, economic blockade and social division that has taken place in Syria.
The author believes that what happened in Syria is the result of a systematic conspiracy against it, in which several regional and international parties, and terrorist organizations participated. He also believes that most of what was written in this regard was unilateral, deliberately ignoring the role of those parties that used to justify their intervention in Syria as “defending the Syrian people”!


مصطفى عبد العزيز مرسي

كاتب ودبلوماسي مصري سابق. حاصل على الدكتوراه في العلاقات الدولية من جامعة بروكسل. عمل مديرًا لمكتب نائب رئيس الوزراء ووزير الخارجية. شغل منصب سفير مصر في سورية (1990 - 1994)، ثم مساعدًا لوزير الخارجية (1994 - 1998)؛ عمل في سفارات مصر في بيروت والرباط  وتونس  ودمشق. ترأس قسم الحوار العربي - الأوروبي في جامعة الدول العربية.
له عدة مؤلفات منشورة، من بينها: المهاجرون العرب في الاتحاد الأوروبي وقضاياهم؛ المصريون في الخليج؛ حقوق وواجبات المصريين المهاجريين في الاتحاد الأوروبي؛ العرب في مفترق الطرق: بين ضرورات تجديد المشروع القومي ومحاذير المشرع الشرق أوسطي؛ إسرائيل ويهود العالم (دراسة سياسية وقانونية).

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