

Weight0,280 kg
Dimensions24 × 17 cm
Journal Form

Electronic, Paper


Algeria and Arab Unity………………………………… Mahieddine Amimour        7


New citizenship in the Arab World…………………….. Majed Awad Alibeli      11

This paper aims to study citizenship in the Arab world from a historical descriptive perspective, highlighting the way in which citizenship in the Arab world grew without crystallizing. The research argues that citizenship was almost absent from the Arab historical experience until the end of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth century when the new Arab nationalist movement clashed with the Turkish Turanian tendency of the Ottoman Empire. During the Western colonial phase of the Arab world, Arab citizenship witnessed exponential growth. Later, after obtaining independence, the contemporary Arab states attempted to build a new concept of country citizenship by imitating the Western model of state-nationhood. However, these attempts did not succeed due to internal and external reasons.

Keywords: Arab World, Citizenship, Colonialism, Islamic State.

Development and equal accumulation of cultural capital:
an alternative vision………………… Mohamed Abdel Moneim Shalaby      27

Based on the sociology of development and the sociology of culture, this paper seeks to discuss the complex relationship between the quality of the dominant development model on the one hand, and the state of accumulation at the cultural capital scale, with its structures, processes and values on the other. How has the adoption of the global capitalist model over the past decades led to negative consequences at multiple and different levels, especially socio-cultural associated with the deterioration of the social conditions of the middle classes, which are the habitat of cultural capital with its three main components: the Embodied, the institutionalized as well as the Objectified, and the consequent socio-cultural problems of a structural type. The paper proposes an alternative development vision that devotes positive and effective cultural value systems that allow an equal socio-cultural accumulation on a more equitable basis, through which more vibrant, inclusive and sustainable development horizons are opened, taking into consideration the great importance of the cultural system, with all its components, in comprehensive development strategies.

Keywords: Cultural Capital – Developmental Model – Class Identity – Equal Accumulation

Extremism in Lebanon: Its Psychosocial Components
and Ways to Prevent It…………………………………………… Rita Merhej      43

In light of the harsh living conditions facing Lebanon today, the Lebanese are prompted more and more to join specific groups that might defend their lost rights amidst a failing system that does not care about their concerns and fears. In addition to feeling oppressed and persecuted, the Lebanese view themselves as victims of others injustice, which justifies the use of violence (verbal or physical) as an escape from the state of anxiety and insecurity surrounding them. This study projects an intervention plan based on studies in social psychology, emphasizing that providing opportunities for communication with others contributes to crystallizing friendship and increasing the level of mutual sympathy between individuals and groups, despite their differences.

Keywords: Lebanon, Differences, Extremism, Feeling Persecuted, Communication.

«Myths of Israel».. Common Assumption
and Historical Truth…………………………………………. Yesmine Koaik      56

The gap is still very deep between what happened and is still happening in Palestine since 1948, and the image that “Israel” and its supporters have been promoting around the world over the past decades. As the Zionist and Israeli narrative dominates the Palestinian narrative, distorting the truth and turning it into Judaization, we present a research paper that discusses the most prominent founding headlines of the Zionist entity and what has happened to the Palestinians in 1948 and till today. The discussion refutes and dismantles the Zionist allegations, and is based on the book titled “Ten Myths About Israel” written by the Israeli historian “Ilan Pappe”, in addition to other important books and articles written in the same field. Proving that the Zionist and Israeli claims are nothing but “myths” that tamper with the facts of history, geography, and demography, thus Judaizing knowledge and twisting history.

Keywords: Zionist Narrative, Israeli Crimes, Nakba, Ethnic Cleansing, Israeli Myths.

The Russian-Atlantic confrontation in Ukraine and its repercussions in the Arab world (File – 2)

The political and economic ramifications of the war
in Ukrainian on the Arab Gulf countries………………. Maya AbouZahr      78

The Russian military operation in Ukraine triggered international turmoil, and had major repercussions on the entire world, including oil and gas prices, goods and services, migration policies, political alliances, and regional and international relations. It is pushing towards a change in the international system, but the features of the new system are not yet clear. This paper discusses the role of the Arab Gulf states in the stability of global energy markets, and sheds light on the Gulf-Chinese relations, and the role of OPEC+. The research identifies the main opportunities and challenges for policy makers and companies in the Arab Gulf states. It also shows the new political challenges facing these countries in terms of the future of their relations with the United States of America, some Western European countries, and China.

Keywords: Arab Gulf countries, the United States, Ukraine, Russia, Politics, Economy, Challenges.

The political and economic repercussions of the Russian-Ukrainian war
on the Middle East………………………………………….. Mostafa Shalash      98

Geopolitical and economic changes have accelerated worldwide since the Russian military operation in Ukraine. The impact of this military crisis has extended beyond the borders of Europe, casting its shadow on the Middle East and North Africa, causing major political, social and economic repercussions, due to the fragility of the economies in the region and the structural problems it suffers from, such as corruption, unemployment and lack of good governance, and the dependence on imports for most commodities, including food. This paper examines the repercussions of the Russian-Ukrainian war on the regional and local Arab political situations, presenting a political reading on the variant standpoints from this war, and then analyzing stances in light of international changes.

Keywords: The Russian-Ukrainian War, The Middle East, Political and Economic Repercussions, Arab Position, Arab-Chinese relations.

Algeria between gas supplies
and food security in light of the Russian-Ukrainian
war repercussions…………………………. Muhammad al-Amin bin Odeh    112

This research attempts to study and analyze the political and economic repercussions of the Russian military operation in Ukraine by focusing on the policy adopted by the Algerian government, its official standpoint being oriented towards careful positioning between both conflicting sides in the European continent, emphasizing Algeria’s potential role in the European gas market being the third largest resource provider, as well as its need for European exports. The research concluded that despite Algeria’s affirmation of its ties with the Russian Federation, remained at the same distance between both conflicting parties

Keywords: Russian-Atlantic Confrontation, International Changes, Algerian Position, Algerian Gas, European Market.

Panel Discussion

Horizontal starting points
for Arab Unity ……………………………… Edited by Waheed Abu Majid    127

Articles and Opinions

American financial markets: an examination of the causes
and repercussions of the recent crisis…………………… Mohamed Saidi    142

Book Reviews

The New Israeli Elite: A Study of the Effects of the Rise of Religious
Trends on the Centres of Decision-Making
(Saleh Al-Naami)………………………………………… Sebbar Mohammed    151

Books Summaries ………………………………………………………………       159

Arabic Books: Saudi Policy towards Yemen after the Popular Uprising 2011; Arabs’ Contribution to the Evolution of Scientific Knowledge: Rushdi Rashid’s Work in Mathematics as a Reference; Arab Gulf Countries and Challenges in Security, Freedom and Development

Foreign Books: New Military Strategies in the Gulf: The Mirage of Autonomy in Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Qatar; The Rise of Security and Why We Always Want More; Palestine in the World: International Solidarity with the Palestinian Liberation Movement.

Research Reports: Power Struggle in Sudan; CNAS Responds: 2023 NATO Summit in Vilnius.

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