Sustainabilty in the Gulf

$13 $

AuthorEdited by Omar Al-Shehabi and Hamad Al-RayesDate28/2/2021No. of Pages319EditionfirstISBN9789953829302E-ISBN9786144981467

Weight0,485 kg
Dimensions24 × 17 cm
Product Type

Electronic, Paper

The Center for Arab Unity Studies, in cooperation with the Gulf Center for Development Policy, published the book Sustainabilty in the Gulf , edited by Omar Al-Shehabi and Hamad Al-Rayes, and it is the eighth yearbook published in the series of books “The Gulf Between Constant and Transforming”.

The publication of this book comes after the specter of unsustainability extended its shadow over the Arab Gulf states in a more prominent way than ever before, especially in light of the chronic imbalances that have been ravaging the health of the Gulf countries for decades without effective treatment or response. Therefore, understanding and demonstrating sustainability from several intersecting dimensions becomes essential, in terms of public policy development, the economy, the oil market, city planning, or the environment. This publication aspires to address these multiple aspects of sustainability in the GCC countries from the standpoint of the chronic imbalances: political, production, population and security, which are the focal points of this publication.

What are the mechanisms for formulating and implementing policies and visions in the GCC countries currently, and are they prepared to activate sustainability and focus on it? What are the current determinants of the global oil market, and how sustainable are they in the future? What is the general economic pattern that crystallized in the GCC countries, and what is the sustainability of this economic pattern in the short, medium and long terms? What is the nature of the labor market in the region and its relationship to the demographics, and can it continue as it is? What is the environmental situation in the GCC countries, and what are the most important challenges facing it in light of the climate change crisis? These are the questions that this publication approaches from a sustainability perspective, bringing together a group of the region’s finest sustainability researchers.

عمر الشهابي

مدير مركز الخليج لسياسات التنمية، وأستاذ مشارك في الاقتصاد السياسي في جامعة الخليج للعلوم والتكنولوجيا (GUST) في الكويت.

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