Problematics of Terminology and the Breakingdown of Critical Theory: Adonis and Jaber Asfour Writings

$14 $

AuthorAyad BoumezregDate31/3/2022No. of Pages464EditionfirstISBN9789953829791E-ISBN9786144981160


Weight0,68 kg
Dimensions24 × 17 cm
Product Type

Electronic, Paper

The Center for Arab Unity Studies has published the book Problematics of Terminology and the Breakingdown of Critical Theory: Adonis and Jaber Asfour Writings by Ayad Boumezreg.

Cognitive dealing with the crucial turning points in the history of science is an epistemological adventure fraught with difficulties. Dealing with a pivotal moment in the history of contemporary Arab criticism is one aspect of that adventure, because speaking about words is difficult, and researching ideas with scientific detachment is more difficult. If the ideas are for a group of thinkers and creators with abundant knowledge production, broad mental horizon, courageous forward-looking vision, creative boldness and high criticism, then the research adventure becomes a kind of walking on slippery ground. Tracing the ideas of Adonis and Jaber Asfour, who are establishing their Arab critical project, within the framework of the consolidation of “contemporary Arab literary and critical modernity”, has encountered difficulties. However, choosing the appropriate methodological approach makes the matter easier and facilitates the research. Therefore, researcher Ayad Boumezreg adopts in this book the terminological approach, which is one of the most recent contemporary linguistic approaches, to be familiar with the critical discourse of the two men. Being aware of the comprehensive terminological apparatus is the aid that is most capable of collecting and organizing classification and arrangement. Moreover, The study of concepts is the most capable of deconstructing and penetrating into the depths of theoretical thinking.

What are the most important founding terms for creative and critical modernity in the writings of Adonis and Jaber Asfour? And what are its theoretical and procedural problems that hinder the completion of the “Contemporary Arab Critical Theory”?

عياد بومزراق

باحث عربي من تونس، من مواليد ولاية المنستير سنة 1973. حائز درجة الدكتوراة في الأدب واللغة والحضارة العربيّة من الجامعة التونسيّة. يدرّس المصطلحيّة والأدب في المعهد العالي للغات بالمكنين (جامعة المنستير). شارك في عدة ملتقيات علميّة دوليّة حول المصطلحيّة والنقد الأدبي. نشر مقالات علميّة في الكثير من المجلات العربيّة والتونسيّة المحكّمة. له كتب منشورة: فتنة المصطلحيّة (تونس: دار زينب للنّشر، 2016)؛ نقد الفكر التاريخي لدى النقّاد العرب المعاصرين (تونس: الثقافيّة للنّشر والتوزيع، 2016)؛ وخارج الدّائرة: قراءات في المنفلت الأدبي والنّقدي (تونس: زينب للنشر، 2017). وله كتب ومقالات مخطوطة في طريقها إلى النشر.

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