Israeli Settlement in the Occupied Arab Lands

$15 $

AuthorIssa Fadel Al-NazzalDate14/1/2022No. of Pages430EditionfirstISBN9789953829593E-ISBN9786144981245

Weight0,645 kg
Dimensions24 × 17 cm
Product Type

Electronic, Paper

The Center for Arab Unity Studies published the book Israeli Settlement in the Occupied Arab Lands by Dr. Issa Fadel Al-Nazzal.

The so-called “State of Israel” was established on a part of the Arab land of Palestine in 1948. On that land, “Israel” built many settlements, in order to accommodate the increasing numbers of world Jewry, who turned towards that invented entity. Zionism was not satisfied with that, but it continued to aspire to occupy more Arab lands, and for that it launched an aggressive war of expansion against its Arab surroundings in 1967, during which it managed to quadruple its area at the expense of the Arab countries. Then it began constructing settlements on those lands, claiming that they are “liberated lands” owned by “Israel”.

Although Israel decided to evacuate its settlements in the Sinai Peninsula after the peace agreement with Egypt in 1979, and had also announced – and according to a unilateral plan – its “disengagement” and the evacuation of settlements from the Gaza Strip in 2005, yet it was active in the settlement of the Syrian Golan and Palestinian West Bank, in preparation for their permanent annexation, with the support of the United States of America, which recently recognized, through its President (Donald Trump), Jerusalem as the eternal capital of “Israel,” and the Golan Heights as Israeli land as well. Rather, it presented the Palestinians in 2020 with a distorted map of the West Bank, from which the fertile Jordan Valley, and about half of the rest of the West Bank were taken out for the benefit of “Israel.” And since the people of the occupied Arab lands were the first victims of Israeli settlement activities, they recorded the most wonderful images of resisting settlement.

عيسى فاضل النزال

باحث وأكاديمي عراقي، من مواليد قرية المومي، محافظة نينوى، عام 1979 . حائز شهادة الدكتوراه في التاريخ الحديث من جامعة الموصل عام 2017 ، ويعمل مدرسًا في قسم التاريخ، كلية الآداب، جامعة الموصل، منذ عام 2009 . له عدد من الكتب والأبحاث في مجال تخصصه، منها: الكاهانية ظاهرة عابرة أم واقع متجذر في المجتمع الإسرائيلي (2020)؛ مخاض دون ولادة: دراسة في مسيرة مفاوضات السلام (السورية – الإسرائيلية) (2021)؛ فضلاً عن بعض الاهتمامات والاصدارات الأدبية.

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