Introduction to the Philosophical Sciences: Contemporary Rationalism and the Development of Scientific Thought

$13 $

AuthorMohammed Abed Al-JabriDate30/1/2020No. of Pages477EditiontenthISBN9789953828978E-ISBN9786144981764

Weight0,705 kg
Dimensions24 × 17 cm
Product Type

Electronic, Paper

The Center for Arab Unity Studies released the tenth edition of “an introduction to the philosophy of science: contemporary rationality and the development of scientific thought” by Dr. Muhammad Abid Al-Jabri.

In the first part of this book, the author deals with the concept of epistemology and its relationships with other cognitive studies, from antiquity to modern times, tracking the evolution of thought by prominent philosophers and scholars regarding the nature of knowledge, by focusing on contemporary trends, using historical and critical approaches, carefully assessing mathematical thought and its development from Greecian to present day times, examining various issues covered in the philosophy of mathematics and linking them altogether in the development of rational thinking. The second section of the book explores the experimental curriculum and the development of scientific thought in the field of physics, from Bacon and Galileo to atomic physics, focusing on the epistemological aspect, not withholding the reference to some scientific statements that shed light on the epistemological issues at hand, thus making the reader more familiar with relevant sources and overall scientific and historical frameworks.

Altogether, it adds up to a set of texts dealing with the most important contemporary issues raised by prominent scholars.

محمد عابد الجابري

ولد في المغرب عام 1936. وافاه الأجل في 3/5/2010. حصل على دكتوراه الدولة في الفلسفة عام
1970 من كلية الآداب بالرباط. له العديد من الكتب المنشورة منها:
■ العصبية والدولة: معالم نظرية خلدونية في التاريخ العربي الإسلامي (1971)
■ مدخل إلى فلسفة العلوم، جزءان (1976)
■ تكوين العقل العربي (نقد العقل العربي (1)) (1982)

■ بنية العقل العربي: دراسة تحليلية نقدية لنظم المعرفة في الثقافة العربية (نقد العقل العربي (2)) (1986)

■ العقل السياسي العربي، محدداته وتجلياته (نقد العقل العربي (3)) (1990)

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