International Criminal Justice and National Sovereignty with Reference to the Arab Case

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AuthorLahbib NaaimiDate30/7/2022No. of Pages256EditionfirstISBN9789953829999E-ISBN9786144981092


Weight0,38 kg
Dimensions24 × 17 cm
Product Type

Electronic, Paper


The Center for Arab Unity Studies issued the book International Criminal Justice and National Sovereignty with Reference to the Arab Case, by Dr. Lahbib Naaimi.

The right to life and to live with dignity is one of the most sacred human rights before it was codified, which imposed on humanity the search for ways of world peace, and the adoption of rules of justice and fairness among groups and individuals in times of peace and times of war. Since wars are legitimate, the history of international criminal justice proves to us humanity’s awareness of its danger to human dignity.

Justice is not a rational philosophical conception of the concept of the common good, or a theoretical construct formulated in solid molds that took the form of legal principles and rules, or even a vengeful ideology even in the name of canned law; Justice transcends even the idea of equality – blind justice – despite the intersections of values between them. Justice, then, is synonymous with the value of right; Without the right to dignity, democracy and human rights, justice as a value remains suspended.

This book comes to present a chronological survey of the course of international justice in its criminal aspect, as an attempt to diagnose and stand at the most important stations and influential ideas and indicative of the variable of international criminal justice, with reference to the Arab case. The book seeks, according to a critical and analytical approach, to interrogate the texts of the international convention in their relation to the nature of the international system, normatively and objectively, to clarify the elements of intersection and contradiction, apparent and latent in the folds of the paradigm of international law and the judicial sovereignty of states; The law as a social phenomenon, and when approaching it scientifically, there is no alternative to invoking the various inputs, factors and contexts affecting the production of its rules.

لحبيب النعيمي

باحث متخصص في العدالة الجنائية الدولية ومهتم بالقانون الدولي الإنساني والقانون الدولي لحقوق الإنسان، حاصل على دكتوراه في القانون الدولي من جامعة محمد الأول في وجدة المغربية، وعلى دبلوم دولي من جامعة القاهرة ومفوضية غوث اللاجئين في قوانين اللجوء والحماية الدولية للاجئين، ثم على ماجستير دراسات سياسية من معهد البحوث والدراسات العربية في القاهرة التابع لجامعة الدول العربية. يعمل في وزارة العدل المغربية، وله مجموعة دراسات ومساهمات علمية وأكاديمية.

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