Hakimiyya Dilemma: Jihadists Mistakes in Understanding Ibn Taymiyyah

11 $18 $

AuthorHani NesiraDate1/4/2017No. of Pages431EditionsecondISBN9789953827957E-ISBN9786144982501

Category Tag

Weight0,65 kg
Dimensions17 × 24 cm
Product Type

Electronic, Paper

The Center for Arab Unity Studies has been following up issues that concern public opinion, especially intellectual and political elites and decision-makers, in order to research them scientifically, explore their facts, shed critical light on them, and put them in the hands of the reader in order to deepen knowledge, and promote discussion about developments in the Arab world, especially in the last few years since the outbreak of what is described as media «Arab Spring revolutions».

In this context, the role of movements and bodies based on selective jurisprudence, especially Ibn Taymiyyah’s works, has increased the perceptions and analyzes of contemporary issues based on this heritage, and has carried out many practices that provoked different reactions, caused wide divisions, and all took place under doctrinal slogans. Many researchers saw it as one-sided, and perhaps sometimes misinterpreted, and sometimes exaggerated.

This book raises these and other points in the spirit of critical inquiry, in which the author attempts to shed light on the ideas of Ibn Taymiyyah, and his age and the nature of the views raised and the possibility of their relationship with the current situation.

هاني نسيرة

● باحث في الفكر الإسلامي والعربي القديم والمعاصر.
● من مؤلفاته: الأيدولوجيا والقضبان: نحو أنسنة الفكر القومي العربي (القاهرة، 2003)؛ أزمة النهضة العربية وحرب الأفكار (القاهرة، 2009)؛ السلفية في مصر: تحولات ما بعد الثورة (القاهرة، 2011).

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