Armaments, Disarmament and International Security: Sipri Yearbook 2021

14 $

AuthorStockholm International Peace Research Institute - SIPRIDate 17/11/2022No. of Pages864EditionFirstISBN9786144980101E-ISBN9786144980910

Weight1,265 kg
Dimensions24 × 17 cm
Product Type

Electronic, Paper

The armament industry and trade continue to expand and diversify in the world. Despite the decline in the level of growth of armament indicators in 2020 due to the spread of the Corona pandemic, this decline came in the context of a general situation that included most sectors of global production and trade in 2020. In order to keep pace with this development, the Center for Arab Unity Studies continues since 2003, in agreement with the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute – SIPRI, in the publication of the Arabic edition of the SIPRI Yearbook Armaments, Disarmament and International Security. It is a reference book that covers, as usual, the most prominent developments on the global scene with regard to armament issues, armed conflicts, factors of tension and loss of security, as well as peace processes and arms control agreements in the world.
The importance of issuing this yearbook lies in the information it contains and the monitoring of facts and transformations, as well as military, security and strategic conflicts, and the presentation of the development of the arms movement, trade or arms control, in addition to the development of military and security technologies and the risks facing the world in this regard. The book also sheds light on the major crises that the world is witnessing from time to time, which affect its military, economic, social, health or environmental security… etc.; Thus, the book provides reference material that monitors global transformations and the accumulation of knowledge at the level of armaments and security in general, and thus provides reference material of interest to all workers and those interested in military and security affairs, armaments affairs, conflicts and security in its broadest sense, including researchers, experts, diplomats, leaders and decision-makers.


مركز دراسات الوحدة العربية

مركز دراسات الوحدة العربية

The urgency for the establishment for an Arab Unity as a means of reaching independence, solutions to political and economic turmoil, and the establishment a network of cooperation and mutual assistant-ship among countries of the region.

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