Arab Ethical Reason: A Critical Analysis of the value System in Arab Culture

10 $15 $

AuthorMohammed Abed Al-JabriDate13/2/2025No. of Pages640EditionTenthISBN9786144983720E-ISBN9786144983737


Weight0,945 kg
Dimensions24 × 17 cm
Product Type

Electronic, Paper

The Center for Arab Unity Studies published the tenth edition of the book Arab Ethical Reason: A Critical Analysis of the value System in Arab Culture by Dr. Mohammed Abed al- Jabri.

With the increasing preoccupation with questions and attempts to answer the reasons for the failure of the Arab renaissance, the Arab thinker, Muhammad Abed Al-Jabri, is heading in an unprecedented search for those answers, knocking on the door of the Arab reason in search of factors that hindered the rise of this reason in preparation for the establishment of an actual integrative Arab renaissance project.

Al-Jabri engages in research into the working mechanisms of this reason, its determinants and components, not as an intellectual, theoretical and cognitive storehouse for various issues, topics and problems in which Arab thought has worked since the late nineteenth century at least until today, but rather as a tool for thinking about those issues, and as a tool for the production of knowledge. Thus, it is a tool for reproducing the Arab-Islamic culture, whose elements, trends and contradictions, in turn, contributed to defining the components of this reason at its various levels (knowledge, political and value), providing a critical structural reading, and a comprehensive review of its mechanisms, concepts, perceptions and visions.

Al-Jabri produced this huge foundational intellectual work for the “Criticism of the Arab Reason” in a series of books consisting of four parts, in which the work took more than twenty years. It searched in the formation of the Arab Reason, its structure, the Arab political Reason and the Arab Ethical Reason.

In this fourth and final part of the “Criticism of the Arab Reason” series of books, Al-Jabri continues to criticize the practical side of the Arab reason, but with his ethical aspect, not his objective aspect; meaning that he dealt with politics not as it was or as practiced by the ruler, regardless of his will and intentions, but as It should have been. This part, then, is concerned with the value systems in the Arab-Islamic culture, i.e. with the Arab ethical reason. It focuses on studying how the Arabs, especially the thinkers, believed that politics should be practiced to achieve the ethical and humanitarian goal.

محمد عابد الجابري

ولد في المغرب عام 1936. وافاه الأجل في 3/5/2010. حصل على دكتوراه الدولة في الفلسفة عام
1970 من كلية الآداب بالرباط. له العديد من الكتب المنشورة منها:
■ العصبية والدولة: معالم نظرية خلدونية في التاريخ العربي الإسلامي (1971)
■ مدخل إلى فلسفة العلوم، جزءان (1976)
■ تكوين العقل العربي (نقد العقل العربي (1)) (1982)

■ بنية العقل العربي: دراسة تحليلية نقدية لنظم المعرفة في الثقافة العربية (نقد العقل العربي (2)) (1986)

■ العقل السياسي العربي، محدداته وتجلياته (نقد العقل العربي (3)) (1990)

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