Participants: Ali Abdo, Abbas Assi, Talal Atrissi, Maan Bashur, Amin Hoteit, Muhammad Sadiq al-Husseini, Mustafa El-Labbad, Muhammad Abdel Shafi Issa, Nevin Massad, Hosam Matar, Ahmad Milli, Mohammad Ali Mohtadi, Hassan Nafaa, Issam Namaan, Abdul Hussain Shaban, Sabah Yassin

Discussion moderator: Ziad Hafez (***)


by: Ziad Hafez 

Welcome to this seminar convened by the Centre for Arab Unity Studies to discuss the topic of Arab–Iranian relations. This seminar is one of the centre’s attempts at greater openness towards our neighbouring countries. I believe that, with regard to the centre’s aims, we are striving to establish a historic bloc composed of the Arab nation, Iran and Turkey that is based on equal relations and not rivalries as well as integration and not supervision. Moreover, I believe that these discussions are very necessary. This is, firstly, in order to eliminate points of misunderstanding and, secondly, to define the common issues on which we can work. Today, we have a special paper prepared by Talal Atrissi. So I will let him present this paper and the main points on which he wishes to focus.

Read full text here  Round table seminar on Arab–Iranian relations



Arab–Iranian relations

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