Women in Arts and Media: From Stereotyping to Change

$13 $

AuthorEdited by Neveen MousaadDate19/11/2021No. of Pages384EditionfirstISBN9789953829609E-ISBN9786144981313

Weight0,565 kg
Dimensions24 × 17 cm
Product Type

Electronic, Paper

The Center for Arab Unity Studies, in cooperation with the Arab Women Organization, published the book Women in Arts and Media: From Stereotyping to Change (edited by Neveen Mousaad ).
This book includes thirteen research papers prepared by researchers from Egypt, Lebanon, Tunisia, Libya and the Sultanate of Oman. Its main idea originates from the fact that art and culture play a major role in changing popular stereotypes due to their wide permeability to different segments of society. This idea has been adopted by the Arab Women Organization for several years and is working on it within the framework of a large multi-output project that aims at changing stereotypes about Arab women, and this book is one of those outputs. In this context, the reader will find in this book a number of images circulating about Arab women in heritage, literature, cultural salons, drama, songs, advertisements and social media. Most of these images have a negative content and the least of them have a positive one.

This book is the result of a research project for the Arab Women Organization about the challenge faced by those concerned with women’s issues and how to make change. The book casts doubt on some previous impressions of literary and dramatic works that have settled in the Arab conscience as being pro-women, while actually they perpetuate negative stereotypes about women. Thus, the reader finds an invitation to re-consider those works with a new look.

It is a new book in its field, with a wide range of topics and a variety of angles of treatment, and daring in approaching issues with impartiality and objectivity. In addition to its thirteen chapters, it includes an introductory chapter on the relationship of art to change, and a final chapter that is the outcome of the continuous brainstorming throughout all stages of preparing the book.

نيفين مسعد

أستاذة العلوم السياسية في جامعة القاهرة، وعضوة اللجنة التنفيذية في مركز دراسات الوحدة العربية.

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