Vladimir Jankélévitch: Ethical Hearing through an Aesthetic Counseling

$10 $

AuthorMarlène YounesDate11/5/2020No. of Pages207EditionfirstISBN9789953829050E-ISBN9786144981696


Weight0,325 kg
Dimensions24 × 17 cm
Product Type

Electronic, Paper

The Center for Arab Unity Studies published a book titled “Vladimir Jankelevitch: An Ethical Trial in Aesthetic Guidance”, by Marilyn Yunus.

Although the approach to beauty and morality implies a disruption of the mind, it appears that it carries some of the elements of a solution to the dilemmas of contemporary ethical thought, which seeks for the nature of what persuades people to adopt a behavior that elevates their humanity to the point of completeness. To strengthen this approach, Jankelevich sees aesthetic actions as having an impact on concepts of good and evil.

This book is an attempt to capture the basic categories pertaining to feelings-generated thoughts and their impact on fair judgment, in the context of aesthetics as a designated system of morality in the views of philosopher Vladimir Jankelevich. This beauty-loving Hassidic philosopher found inspiration in the Sufi tradition of relying on the virtues of purifying oneself. As such, his work is focused on seeking the spark of enthusiasm, piety and humanity. To this, he added an aspect of morality that complies with the ethics of the sermon on the sacred and truth within beauty. His philosophy was characterized by an actual approach to reality, thus engaging in the wedding celebration of the paradoxes of life, which were filled with love. His moral Cogito closed the doors to all those that could not comprehend his philosophical language, but how was he able to penetrate the ceiling of metaphysics and speak the ego into existence? And how can a person be uplifted by morals and morality when contradictory shrines that conspire against two souls keep them preoccupied with secondary things?

مارلين يونس

- من مواليد بلدة تنورين – لبنان.
- أستاذة فلسفة الجماليات والفلسفة العقلانيّة الغربية الحديثة في الجامعة اللبنانيّة.
- حائزة دكتوراة دولة في الفلسفة من المعهد العالي للدكتوراة – لبنان؛ وشهادة الماجستر في علم الفنون والآثار من الجامعة اللبنانيّة؛ ودبلوم في الغناء الشرقيّ من المعهد الوطني العالي للموسيقى (الكونسرفاتوار).
- مؤلّفة موسيقيّة لها عدد من الألحان والأغاني والفيديو كليب.

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