Treatises for the Committed Mind Amid the Liberation from Alienation

8,00 $13,00 $

AuthorNassif NassarDate1/5/2024No. of Pages236EditionFirstISBN9786144980422E-ISBN9786144980576


Weight0,360 kg
Dimensions21,5 × 13,5 cm
Product Type

Electronic, Paper


The Center for Arab Unity Studies published the book Treatises for the Committed Mind Amid the Liberation from Alienation by Dr. Nassif Nassar.

Commitment is a great voluntary and moral matter, contrary to what opportunistic individualism propagates. Its value comes from its subject matter as much as from its motives, results, and the circumstances in which it is practiced. There are many types, depending on the diversity of topics and convictions that a person is biased towards and associated with. On this basis, the texts of this book came together as debates motivated by a deep commitment to a major issue that concerns all Arab peoples, which, according to the common term, is the issue of Modernity.
But the perspective from which this issue is addressed in this book is precisely renewed, which is the perspective of modernity in philosophy and across philosophy. The author had determined his methodological position on how to deal with the history of philosophy in order to organize the process of liberation from alienation in the history of philosophy. The arguments of this book were considered complementary contributions to demonstrate the validity and fruitfulness of his position, whether the matter was related to heritage or to philosophy in Western civilization. In other words, the author does not talk here about philosophical independence as a path to freedom and creativity, but rather puts it into practice and application to current topics.

ناصيف نصار

فيلسوف وباحث في الاجتماعيات. من مواليد لبنان (1940).
حــائــز دكـــتـــوراه دولـــة فــي الآداب، جامعة السوربون - باريس (1967).
أستاذ في الــجــامــعــة اللبنانية (1967 - 2005)، وعميد كلية الآداب والعلوم الإنسانية (1993 - 1997) ومعهد العلوم الاجتماعية (2001 - 2003) فيها.
من مؤلفاته: الفلسفة في معركة الأيديولوجية (1980)؛ الأيديولوجية على المحك (1994)؛ مفهوم الأمة بين الدين والتاريخ (ط5، 2003)؛ التفكير والهجرة من التراث إلى النهضة العربية الثانية (ط2، 2004)؛ الذات والحضور: بحث في مبادئ الوجود التاريخي (2008)؛ طريق الاستقلال الفلسفي
(ط 4، 2009)؛ الإشارات والمسالك من إيوان ابن رشد إلى رحاب العلمانية (2011)، ونحو مجتمع جديد (ط 6، 2016).

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