The State of the Arab Nation, 2017-2018: A Year of Hope and Risk


AuthorEdited by Ahmad Youssef Ahmad and Nevine MosaadDate1/7/2018No. of Pages208EditionfirstISBN9789953828381E-ISBN9786144982242

Category Tag

Weight0,325 kg
Dimensions17 × 25 cm
Product Type

Electronic, Paper

The Center for Arab Unity Studies continued to issue its annual report on the state of the Arab nation, which became a scientific reference for the political, economic and security developments witnessed in the Arab world in a year, in which the analysis starts from a committed Arab approach that seeks to be scientific and objective in its approaches and judgments.

This year’s report (2017 – 2018) is issued in light of important developments in the Arab arena that included some positive pages compared to the last years preceding it, hence it is reflected in the military and security achievements that have been made in the restoration of the national state in both Iraq and Syria, albeit a measure of its balance, cohesion and sovereignty over most of its territories, through the victories achieved on terrorism and the overthrow of the so-called Islamic Caliphate on the territory of both countries. On the other hand, some other crises remained open, such as the war in Yemen and the conflicts in Libya. As for the central Arab issue, the Palestinian issue, the scene is becoming more complicated and threatening, especially with the escalation of the American and Zionist attack to settle this issue, under the light of the further marginalization and declining interest in this issue at the level of the official Arab system. In addition, the report analyzes the main indicators and trends of Arab economies and their repercussions on the social and living conditions of the Arab peoples. It also discusses the developments of the Arab situation in the context of the regional and international scene.

مركز دراسات الوحدة العربية

مركز دراسات الوحدة العربية

The urgency for the establishment for an Arab Unity as a means of reaching independence, solutions to political and economic turmoil, and the establishment a network of cooperation and mutual assistant-ship among countries of the region.

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