The State in the Contemporary Islamic Communities’ Thought in Morocco: Case Studies

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AuthorMohammed Cheikh BananDate20/8/2016No. of Pages352EditionfirstISBN9789953827704E-ISBN9786144982662

Category Tag

Weight0,52 kg
Dimensions17 × 24 cm
Product Type

Electronic, Paper

This study addresses the question of the nature of the state in the ideology of Islamic groups in Morocco as a major matter of concern in the Moroccan political community, which has been and continues to be the subject of intellectual debate and division since the country’s independence. These groups had conflicting positions with regards to the nature and the concept of the state itself, whether it should be assessed at the level of the Islamic political heritage on the one hand, or at the level of its existing political and constitutional form on the other hand.

محمد الشيخ بانن

● باحث مغربي من مواليد العام 1978 .
● حائز شهادة الدكتوراه في القانون، تخصص القانون العام، كلية الحقوق في جامعة القاضي عياض - المغرب (2014).
● يعمل في الأكاديمية الجهوية للتربية والتكوين لجهة كلميم السمارة - المغرب.
● له عدة مساهمات بحثية نشرت في عدد من الدوريات المغربية والعربية.

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