The Role of the Rothschild Family in the Establishing of the State of “Israel”

10 $13 $

AuthorMoatamer AminDate31/10/2024No. of Pages384EditionFirstISBN9786144983614E-ISBN9786144983621

Categories ,

Weight0,575 kg
Dimensions24 × 17 cm
Product Type

The Center for Arab Unity Studies has published a book entitled The Role of the Rothschild Family in the Establishing of the State of “Israel” by researcher Moatamer Amin.

The Rothschild family provides a striking example of the influence of non-governmental economic actors and power centers in the emerging capitalist countries of Western Europe from the nineteenth century until today, in making political decisions in those countries, and in determining their choices and major decisions, such as the decision for the United States to enter World War I on the side of the Allies in exchange for Britain’s promise to establish a Jewish state in Palestine, all under the influence of the American banking sector, in which the European Rothschild banks had influential threads.

This book discusses the real role played by the Rothschilds over more than a century in supporting the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine, as their role preceded the establishment of the Zionist movement by nearly half a century, during which they supported the transformation of the state project from an idea into a political project sponsored by a major country. The book then discusses the role of the Rothschilds in supporting the popular Jewish movement that started in Eastern Europe and became known as the Zionist movement, and sheds light on the Rothschilds’ sponsorship of the Zionist Organization since its inception in 1897 until its strengthening, then discusses the role of the Rothschilds in supporting and organizing Jewish immigration to Palestine, and its role in approving the Balfour Declaration, and in providing the political and material conditions to transform this promise into reality, by providing the conditions for the establishment of the Jewish state in Palestine during the era of the British occupation and mandate from 1917 until the announcement of the establishment of the State of “Israel” in 1948.

معتمر أمين

باحث متخصص في العلاقات الدولية، ومهتم بالبحث في المسائل التاريخية المؤثرة في الحاضر، والملفات الجيوستراتيجية، وأهمها تأثير خطوط أنابيب الطاقة في التوازنات في الشرق الأوسط.
يعمل مدرسًا للعلوم السياسية في الجامعة البريطانية في مصر، ويكتب في صحيفة الشروق المصرية، وهو ساهم في لجنة الخمسين لكتابة الدستور المصري لعام 2014.

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