The Beginnings of the Arab Awareness towards the Zionist Project Dangers,1897-1917

$12 $

AuthorSuhaila S. ShalabiDate24/3/2016No. of Pages286EditionfirstISBN9789953827520E-ISBN9786144982600

Weight0,425 kg
Dimensions17 × 24 cm
Product Type

Electronic, Paper

The purpose of this study is to shed light on the beginnings, the evidences and the indicators of the awareness of the Zionist threat, to highlight its importance, its impact and the developments that occurred within it, and the practicalities that relate to how the Arabs have come to face this threat. It also aims to assess the degree to which the Arabs rose in response this confrontation and were up to the level of the threat, and to know the deficiencies in their battle and the the conditions through which the Zionists succeeded where the Arabs failed.

The importance of this research is twofold: first, it lies in the fact that it studies and monitors Arab awareness, when it began and how it transformed with the development of the Zionist project, the conditions that accompanied this development, and the mechanisms and means used to express this awareness. Second, it lies in importance of the timeline covered by the study, from the first Zionist conference in Basel in 1897, to the announcement of the Balfour Declaration in November 1917, which documents the legitimization of the Zionist entity and the international umbrella of the decisions made during that conference.


سهيلا سليمان الشلبي

● من مواليد الأردن/مدينة المفرق (1963).
● حاصلة على شهادة الدكتوراه في التاريخ من الجامعة الأردنية (2004).
● لها عدد من الكتب المنشورة، منها: شكري العسلي: من أجل الاستقال العربي ومقاومة الصهيونية (مركز دراسات الوحدة العربية، 2010)؛ موقف الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية من القضية الفلسطينية 1945 - 1949 (عمل مشترك)؛ العلاقات الأردنية - البريطانية 1951 - 1967 (مركز دراسات الوحدة العربية، 2006)؛ دور توفيق أبو الهدى في السياسة الأردنية 1938-1955 (2004).

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