The ARAB FUTURE (AL MUSTAQBAL AL ARABI), No. 551, January 2025

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Weight0,280 kg
Dimensions24 × 17 cm
Journal Form

Electronic, Paper

⬛ Editorial

⬜  Syria Between Division Schemes and Israeli
Expansionist Policies
    Munir Al-Hemsh         7

⬛  Al-Aqsa Flood and the Course of the Palestinian Cause (File-11)

The Early stages of Jewish Colonist Thought in Palestine Mahasen Hussein Issa 11       

This research sheds light on the early stages of Jewish settler thought in Palestine, starting with Napoleon Bonaparte’s campaign in Egypt in 1798, during which he called on the Jews to return to the «Land of their Ancestors.» It also explores the significant role played by foreign consulates in the Ottoman Sultunate in encouraging Jews to migrate to Palestine to establish their national homeland, exploiting the internal turmoil of the sultunate was experiencing at that time. Furthermore, the paper addresses the role played by Britain in supporting Jews and facilitating their migration to Palestine, leading to the success of the Zionist movement, particularly after the Basel Program at the end of Sultan Abdul Hamid II’s reign, which organized and enabled successive Jewish migrations to Palestine.

Keywords: Napoleon’s campaign, national homeland, consulate role, stages of Jewish migration, Zionist movement.

Communication in «Al-Aqsa Flood»: Fires, Images, and Words as a Simultaneous Reinforcing Trigger       Ali Ghwaydiaa       31

This study addresses the limitations of military action and the inevitability of reinforcing it with communication, i.e., broadcasting messages to influence the recipient to adopt a particular stance. The focus of the study is on the concept of «synchronization» and the close connection between simultaneous use of military action and the release of images, which was a «precedent» media approach undertaken by the Al-Qassam during their attack. The study presents a sample with two differing drivers moving toward «postmodernity» and towards methodological authenticity (semiology). It interrogates the text and moves it in directions that transcend temporal-spatial boundaries to draw a significant conclusion: the «mediatization» of this military operation exacerbated the enemy’s military losses and replaced one mental image with another, elevating the painful resistance act into a delightful, fantastical one.

Keywords: Al-Aqsa Flood, communication, semiology, postmodernity.

Normalization in the Equilibrium of Moroccan-Palestinian
Relations: A Study of Party Positions
   Khaled Shakhman and Abdelkader Al-Izza       52

Although the events of October 7, 2023, marked a pivotal moment in the Israeli-Arab normalization, the exceptional nature of Morocco’s normalization prompted an examination of the historical and philosophical underpinnings guiding the interaction between Palestinian political factions and Moroccan political entities. This study explores the impact of normalization on the positions of these factions through reviewing their statements, communiqués, and meetings, analyzing to what extent they reveal their future stances. Are these positions subject to change and fluctuation according to shifting political interests and circumstances, or are they fixed and aligned with the historical and social cohesion requirements of both countries?.

Keywords: Cognitive model, normalization, Moroccan parties, Palestinian movements.


The Nation-State and Its Counterparts in Contemporary
Islamic Thought
          Mohamed Zekkari      71       

Abdelilah Belkeziz’s book «The State in Contemporary Islamic Thought» discusses the relationship between religion and state in contemporary Islamic discourse. It analyzes this relationship through four problematic levels: the nation-state, the Caliphate state, the Islamic state, and the religious state. The book offers an insightful perspective on understanding the divergence between the reformist and revivalist Islamic discourses in their perceptions of the state. It corrects the tendency to lump together various Islamic intellectual currents, clarifying the distinctions between these discourses in their understanding of a single issue. Belkeziz’s work seeks to reframe the way Islamic intellectual currents are often generalized, deconstructing them in order to form a more nuanced understanding of what reformism and revivalism contribute to the intellectual discourse.

Keywords: The state, religion, Islamic reformism, Islamic revivalism, relationship between religion and politics, Abdelilah Belkeziz.

The Identity of the Tunisian Elites in the Balance between the Concepts
of Language Charter and Linguistic Barrier
        Mahmoud Al-Dhawadi 88

This study argues that the natural relationships between people, societies, and languages are established through the full presence of what we call the «language charter,» which consists of four key principles: (1) a comprehensive knowledge of the meanings of language vocabulary and its grammatical, morphological, and spelling rules; (2) the exclusive use of the language in all aspects of daily life within their communities; (3) the use of the language solely in writing within their societies; and (4) the establishment of a «close relationship» with these languages, manifested in love, pride, defense, and loyalty to the language above any other. This relationship is further reinforced by the concept of the «linguistic barrier,» which refers to the practice of teaching exclusively in national languages, at least in all pre-university educational stages.

Keywords: Linguistic barrier, language charter, Arab identity, Tunisian elites.

Returnees from ISIS: Emerging Security Threats and
Approaches to Reintegration
  Ihsan Al-Hafizi 103

Concerns have been raised about the security threats posed by the return of Arab fighters from ISIS to their home countries. With the geostrategic shifts resulting from regional and international interests in Iraq and Syria, discussions have begun about how to manage the post-return phase for these recruits and the associated risks, which this paper refers to as the «emerging threats» of post-violent extremism. The political realism which influences international crises management necessitates a careful approach on handling the returnees. This paper seeks to propose a conceptual framework for understanding the «individual terrorist profile,» addressing returning fighters as individuals, each characterized by unique cognitive, social, and psychological traits, rather than viewing them as groups.

Keywords: Violent extremism, emerging threats, ISIS, reintegration.

The Economic Factor as a Tool in U.S. Foreign Policy: Sanctions
on Russia and China
    Ingy Mohamed Mahdi and Shaimaa Mahmoud Kamel Abdullah          120

The economic factor, particularly economic sanctions, plays a significant role as a tool of foreign policy in international relations. These tools include trade policies, investment policies, economic and financial sanctions, electronic, financial, and monetary policies, as well as energy and commodities policies. Contemporary history demonstrates the effectiveness of these policies when carefully selected and directed against specific regimes under particular circumstances, especially when the associated measures gain broad support and application from the international community. This study examines economic sanctions as a tool of U.S. foreign policy against its adversaries, specifically focusing on the U.S. sanctions imposed on Russia and China.

Keywords: United States, U.S. foreign policy, economic sanctions, Russia, China.

⬛ Articles and Opinions

Trump and the «Minimal Settlement» of the Palestinian Cause:
A Forward-Looking Analysis
     Ali Al-Jarbawi  140

⬛ Books and Readings

Digital Networks and the Dynamics of the Socio-Political Field in
(Bushra Zkagh)            Reviewed by: Yassine Haggan  152

More Books        Gaby El-Khoury          160

Arabic Books: The Role of the Rothschild Family in the Establishing of the State of «Israel»; Marginalized or Non-Marginalized: The Weighty Forces and Their Role in Kuwait’s Political History Until Independence; Israeli Foreign Policy Toward South Sudan: The Policies of Forging a Strategic Ally in the Nile Basin and the Horn of Africa; Neutrality in Lebanon: A Necessity or a Choice?

Foreign Books: Suppressing Dissent: Shrinking Civic Space, Transnational Repression and Palestine–Israel; Pax Americana Unending War on Iraq; Qatar’s Foreign Policy: Geography, Politics and Strategy since 1971; A Very Short History of the Israel–Palestine Conflict.

Research Reports: «Syria After Assad: What to Know About HTS, Hezbollah, and Iran»; «What Assad’s Fall Means for Russia in the Middle East»; «The U.S. Must Not Abandon Syria.

مركز دراسات الوحدة العربية

مركز دراسات الوحدة العربية

فكرة تأسيس مركز للدراسات من جانب نخبة واسعة من المثقفين العرب في سبعينيات القرن الماضي كمشروع فكري وبحثي متخصص في قضايا الوحدة العربية

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