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Dimensions24 × 17 cm
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The Israel Crisis, and its anticipated effects………….. wahed Abdel Majid        7


Democratic Transition
in Mauritania…………………………. Abdul Rahman Hassan Mujammal      11

The democratic transition in Mauritania is considered a successful experience in comparison with the rest of the Arab experiences. Yet, Mauritania only reached this successful transition after a lengthy period of labor, in which a number of factors, both internal and external, converged to bring it about. These factors did not occur all at once, but emerged in different stages that supported Mauritania’s successive democratic transitions that allowed it to bypass the list of authoritarian countries to be included as a hybrid country in the 2021 Democracy Index. However, this experience is still faced with many obstacles, which democratic consolidation in Mauritania is dependent on overcoming them.

Keywords: Democratization, Democratization in Mauritania, Caesarean Section, Foreign Aid, Third Wave, Standard Model.

Judaization of Jerusalem: A Reading of
the Government Plan 3790………………………….. Malikah Abdul Latif      30 

Since its occupation of Jerusalem, Israel has been imposing policies, plans, and programs aimed at consolidating control and strengthening sovereignty over East Jerusalem, and a gradual settling of the lands. Amongst these plans is Plan No. 3790, which Israel claims it aims to reduce economic and social gaps, and achieve economic development in East Jerusalem. However, in reality, applying this plan in East of Jerusalem, will create further economic and social gaps and will have adverse results on the Palestinians there. As this is another method employed by Israel to enable it to move forward with its uprooting project, and the economic and social plan is just a tool that contribute to the realization of this project.

Keywords: Jerusalem, Settlement, Plan 3790, Economic and Social Development.

The impact of the transnational family bond on international relations:
the Sinai settlement as a model……………………………. Mutamer Amin      44

The Sinai settlement project 1902-1903 represented a milestone in the Zionist movement attempts of building a national home for the Jewish people in Palestine. The Zionist leaders proposed this project after their direct negotiations with the Ottoman Empire have failed, but they were unable to influence the British government, which was then occupying Egypt, to grant them land in Sinai. Then came the massacres against the Jews in western Tsarist Russia in 1903, which led to waves of immigration to the West. It was then that the Zionist leaders resorted to seek help from the Rothschild family. With the aid of the Rothschilds, the Zionist project succeeded in overcoming the obstacles in front of it, a testament to the influential role played by some transnational family ties in international relations.

Keywords: International Actors, Sinai Settlement, Herzl, Rothschild, The Zionist Movement.

Academic teaching and advanced practices in Arab universities
(Sudan and Qatar as Models)………………….. Hassan Hamid Meshikah      61

The development of public policy studies as a research field has been associated with Western universities and research centers, while some say that public policies, their theories and applications were not created only in the West, arguing that the Middle East and North Africa and other regions in the world such as Japan, have their well-established traditions in the management science and the study of public policies. This study examincs the experiences of Sudan and Qatar in teaching public policies, and analyzes their experiences in academic teaching of public policies using the descriptive, analytical and comparative approaches, trying to answer questions related to why teaching public policies and their reform in Arab universities fell behind.

Keywords: Sudan, Qatar, Public Policies, Policy Science, Academic Teaching, Teaching Curricula.

The Russian-Atlantic confrontation in Ukraine
and its repercussions on the Arab world (file)

The Russian-Ukrainian crisis and its reflection on political and
security transformations in the Arab region……………….. Fouad Gedo      81

The Ukrainian crisis has repercussions not only on Russia and Ukraine, but also on all countries of the world, including the Middle East region, especially with respent of energy and food security, and this is what prompted the Arab countries to adapt to these repercussions through initiatives based on strengthening regional Arab security, or by reformulating regional security according to a new approach that governs partnership with major powers, whether security or economic. However, the rapid developments in the Russian-Ukrainian crisis prompted these countries to develop future visions to readapt with the international transformations that tend towards a multilateral system, to confront the current security threats.

Keywords: Ukrainian crisis, energy security, food security, Arab national security, the Middle East

The Russian-Ukrainian War and the Regional
Arab Order……………………………………………………. Obaid Al-Halimi    102

This research deals with the impact of international changes in the Arab regional system, and approximates the effects of the Russian-Ukrainian war on balances and alliances in the Arab region. The research concludes that the Western-Russian conflict in Eastern Europe has an impact on the internal and external power balance in the region, through increasing the security risks threatening the stability of the Arab world. This pushes the Arab countries to establish alliances outside the scope of the regional system, with the aim of preserving survival.

Keywords: The Russian-Ukrainian war, The Arab Regime, The Regional Balance of Power, Alliances.

Algeria and Russia: the repercussions of the war in Ukraine
and the search for new alliances………………………… Ammara Amrous    117

This paper examines the impact of Russian-Atlantic war in Ukraine on the vision of countries and their awareness of their position within the geopolitical map of the world, through studying what repercussions the war has on Algeria, which enjoys good relations with Russia. Given the scales of the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, the Algerian vision focuses on building new/renewing regional alliances in its Mediterranean space, especially since it rich with energy resources (gas and oil). This is clearly evident after strengthening its relations with Italy and Turkey, whether as of economic partnership and strategic cooperation. Thus, this paper is concerned with the Algerian vision of the conflict in Ukraine, and provides a reading of the new alliances in this context.

Keywords: Algeria, Russia, The Ukrainian Crisis, War Repercussions, New Alliances.

Articles and opinions

Expelling minds, not migrating them: the colonial legacy, functional
entities, and the destruction of prospects for modernization
and creativity……………………………………………… Hisham Al-Bustani    134

The massacre of the Maghreb participant relations
with the Maghreb political systems………… Abdul Majeed bin Shawia    141

Terrorist organizations employing jurisprudential fatwas
in the “women’s jihad” in the Arab region……………… Shereen Fahmy    147

Books and readings

Tunisian-Syrian relations in the current
regional and global context………………………. Abdul Basit Al-Ghabri    153

Correspondence of Spinoza (Roger Boiffe)…………. Al-Mahdi Mustaqem    160

Books Summeries………………………………………………………………….       164

Arabic Books: Lt. General Saad El-Shazly: Testimonies and Documents; Statesman: Immortals in Western Political Thought; The development of Interventionism in International relations and its implications for National Sovereignty; The Legitimacy of Authority in Contemporary Arab National Thought: Munif Al-Razzaz, Constantine Zureik, and Zaki Al-Arsuzi as Models.

Foreign Books: Ukraine, Russia and the West: When Value Promotion Met Hard Power; Syrian Refugees and Agriculture in Turkey: Work, Precarity and Survival; Can Human Rights and National Sovereignty Coexist?: Global Perspectives on Immigration and Multiculturalisation; Scandinavian Diplomacy and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Official and Unofficial Soft Power.

Research Reports: New Public Opinion Poll: Jordanians Favor De-escalation in the Region, But Sentiment Against Israel Remains; U.S.-Taiwan Relations in a New Era: Responding to a More Assertive China.

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