The ARAB FUTURE (AL MUSTAQBAL AL ARABI), No. 527, January 2023



Weight0,270 kg
Dimensions24 × 17 cm
Journal Form

Electronic, Paper

⬛ Studies

⬜   A critical assessment of the Arab revolutions… Ahmed Ahl Al-Saeed        7

The Arab protests and “revolutions” of 2011 provided an important climate and conditions that allowed regional and international powers to expand their role and promote their interests, thus deepening the competition among them in the Arab region. The United States, in cooperation with some of its allies in this region, took advantage of these events to overthrow hostile regimes. But that policy faced opposition from regional and international powers, such as Iran, China, and Russia. This study sheds light on the social and economic conditions that led to the outbreak of the Arab revolutions, and examines the role of the United States and the Qatari media in managing and these revolutions, while highlighting the international and regional conflicts that erupted as a result.

⬜   Khaldounian thought through the eyes of historical materialism and rational thought……………………………….. Abdul Razzaq Al-Saeedi       21

This paper attempts to settle an old debate which has not yet been resolved, between rational scientific culture based on logic and an objective process that is relatively selfless on the one hand, and a faith-oriented religious culture on the other hand, and how both views impact historiography as a methodological science. Accordingly, history throughout the Islamic era has remained a fixed and traditional process, which adopts the approaches and methods of early predecessors and scholars in term of evaluating and critiquing narratives to verify the authenticity of prophetic hadiths, in the context of broader and more general contexts, which believed that history in itself is a product of a divine creation.

⬜   Security threats from Coastal African countries and their repercussions on the stability of the Maghreb countries.. Abdel Wahid Awlad Molloud       39

The geographical space of Coastal African countries has turned into a haven for various terrorist organizations, organized crime, illegal immigration, drug and arms trade, and ethnic conflicts. This region has become one of the most complex and focal points that weighed heavily on security in the Maghreb countries. This study addresses the security threats that the African coast suffers from, which negatively affect the stability of the region. The factors behind the growth of organized crime and terrorism are ever increasing. In contrast, lack of development, and the absence of a clear vision contribute to the intensification of threats to the security of the Maghreb countries. The study examines the Maghreb approaches to ward off security threats emanating from the Coastal countries, which are mostly dominated by military intervention.

⬜   Critical ethnic theory and the interpretation of colonial settlement in Palestinian territories…………………………. Abdul Aziz Al-Muslim      61

This study seeks to explain the Zionist settlement in Palestine in the light of the critical ethno-theory to analyze the ways and mechanisms that enable the colonial states to violate the rights of the colonized peoples, specifically the right of self-determination. The study focuses on the interaction between the Zionists and the Palestinians in particular, and provides an analysis to the Zionists’ attempts to normalize the process of colonial settlement, and how they were able to maintain the status quo by replacing the indigenous population with another without any objection from the dominant state in the international arena to this violation. The study also examines to which extent the Palestinian people are able to align their interests to that of the dominant state on the international scene.

⬜   Future directions in Russian political performance towards Iraq’s Kurdistan region…………………………. Amjad Zine El Abidine Tohme      74

Russian interest in Iraq’s Kurdistan region clearly escalated in recent times. This reflects an attempt to exploit the possible political, geographical advantages and the tremendous wealth that the region possesses, with aims to achieve certain strategic goals in the region, to play an active role in this vital region, to preserve its wide spread diverse interests, and to maintain status quo. This study aims to explain the motives behind Russia’s increasing interest in Iraq’s Kurdistan region, and what are the possible future Russian inclinations towards the region in the next stage, highlighting the goals that Russia hopes to achieve.

⬜   Sabra and Shatila massacre: documents and testimonies about the killers and those involved………………………………….. Thaher Salih      93

Forty years after Sabra and Shatila camps massacre of south of Beirut. The massacre, in addition to other massacres that were perpetrated against the Palestinian people, mirrors the harsh tragedy that Palestinians went through after 1948 and the establishment of the Zionist entity and the forcible expulsion of the Palestinian people from their land. Careful and deep analysis proves that this massacre in particular, was not a momentary response, but rather an extension of an old Zionist policy of liquidating the Palestinian cause. This study sheds light on the backgrounds of that massacre based on recently disclosed secret documents that bear details of meetings between “Israeli” intelligence officials and officials of the Lebanese Phalange “Kataeb” Party.

⬜   Fourth generation wars and principles of international law…………….. Mohamed Mahmoud Morsi Mahmoud    103

The term fourth-generation warfare (4GW) has been used in the last three decades to describe wars that aim to destabilize countries without the need to launch external military aggression against them. The study examines the extent to which the mechanisms of such warfare are in conflict with the principles and rules of international law, and how the latter deals with the tools of fourth generation warfare in terms of prevention or criminalization. The study proceeds from the hypothesis that there is a direct positive relationship between an increase in the intensity of fourth-generation warfare crimes and in international legal confrontation measures to criminalize and punish them.

⬛ Panel discussion

  • The crisis of Arab economies and ways to get out of it

⬛ Articles and opinions

  • Renewal of Soft Arabism and its permanence ……….. Khaled Al-Hroub 138
  • Migration of linguistic patterns and their transformations:
    North Africa as a model………………………………………. Anwar Benaish    143

⬛ Books and readings

  • Labyrinth and significance of the Arab intellectual and cyberspace (Ismail Nouri Al-Rubaie)………………………………………….. Said Bouaita      152

⬛ Books Summaries


Arabic Books: The Palestinian National Movement in the Twentieth Century; The Japanese and the Arabs: Independent Will and Common Interests; churches and mosques, and the national identity of the state; Preventing Palestine: A Political History from Camp David to Oslo.

Foreign Books: Beijing’s Global Media Offensive: China’s Uneven Campaign to Influence Asia and the World; Pathways to Violent Extremism in Lebanon; Escaping the Conflict Trap: Toward Ending Civil War in the Middle East; States of Exception or Exceptional States: Law, Politics and Giorgio Agamben in the Middle East

Research Report: “Navigating China’s Security Presence in the Middle East and North Africa” and “Europe Has to Step Up on Ukraine to Keep the U.S.

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