The ARAB FUTURE (AL MUSTAQBAL AL ARABI), No. 525, November 2022



Weight0,265 kg
Dimensions24 × 17 cm
Journal Form

Electronic, Paper

⬛ Studies

International developments and their impact on Arab development……………………………………….. Mounir Al-Hamesh        7

In recent years, the world has witnessed significant developments that will bring about changes and transformations in the political, economic and social fields in the world and the Arab region in particular. Such developments will also bring about variables to the principles and rules that govern international relations and the world order that is currently based on globalization and the hegemony of the United States of America. The most prominent of these developments are: the Corona pandemic, the Russian-Atlantic confrontation in Ukraine, the tense Chinese-American relations in light of the island of Taiwan, climate change and its impact on the environment, and developments in the Arab region in light of the Abraham Agreements and the NATO Middle East project, The developments of the international system and the future of American-Western hegemony.

The boundaries and consequences of political Islam participation in power exercise in Morocco……………………….. Abdel Hadi El Khayati      30

This study examines the constraints that prevented the Justice and Development Party from exercising successful power management in Morocco from within official institutions. Are these constraints related to self-failure or related to the nature of the Moroccan political system? Why do the rest of political Islam currents reject political participation in state institutions? The study also examines the different perspectives of the most prominent political Islam currents in Morocco on the issue of participation in political action and the exercise of power, and concludes that political Islam movement failure in participating in power in Morocco is due to its failure to manage government affairs and mismanagement of its internal affairs, as well as to the nature of Moroccan political system.

Spatial planning and the hybrid Zionist colonial practice in Palestine……………………………………… Rassem Mohyelden Khamaisi      45

This study examines the relationship between the Zionist colonialism in Palestine and the spatial planning of the Zionist state, which is a central component in the matrix of Israeli soft and hard plays to exert control. This type of planning is characterized by relevant semi-fixed features to achieve the Zionist project, which benefit from the development and transformation of the colonial model and the formation of a hybrid colonialism that reflects his novel and ideology, which are the compass of the colonial activity itself. The study lays out a cognitive framework for the nature of spatial planning and its use to achieve Zionist colonialism, and monitors the transformations in the use of spatial planning to distribute and spread the Zionist settlements during various stages. It also monitors the features and features of the spatial planning doctrine and the tools for its implementation.

International competition dynamics over energy resources in Africa and its repercussions………………………….. Lahcen Elhassnaoui      59

This study examines the increasing pace of international competition over energy resources in the African continent, an issue whose dimensions could be understood in the context of the geostrategic changes that have taken course in the international arena during the past two decades, and the accompanying rise in the economic power of some countries of the South, and their aspiration to compete with Western powers to obtain African energy resources, which enabled the African continent countries to some degree, to get rid of their dependence on Western powers, by diversifying their markets for selling energy resources. However, the integration context of the African continent in the global economy, and the prevalence of corruption in it, prevented them from achieving the development aspirations of its peoples.

⬛ China and the World (Supplement – 2)

China and the “Middle East”: Prospects for Interests and Hedging Policies………………………………….. Riham Ahmed Khafagi      77

This paper investigates China’s mutual interests with the “Middle East” countries and explores the possibilities of some countries switching their strategic alliances from the United States in favor of China and the challenges that arise from such a move. The paper employs the concept of “strategic hedging” to analyze what paths the “Middle East” countries and China can traverse in their mutual relations. It assumes that China’s hedge against an urgent confrontation with the United States, and its fear of losing the free security services provided by the latter, has so far deterred China from a exerting serious desire to increase its military presence or political influence in the region, despite its growing economic influence. Middle Eastern countries share China’s concern regarding the decline of US services.

The repercussions of the Chinese rise on the dispute in the South China Sea…………………………………….. Ali Qassem Miqdad      95

The South China Sea has become a major focal point of conflict between a rising China and the United States of America and its allies in Southeast and East Asia. Controlling the strategic location as a meeting point between the Indian and Pacific oceans, as well as its energy and fish capabilities, has become a regional and international goal and a conflict area. While China considers the sea an extension of its land and a geostrategic space that guarantees its regional supremacy, the United States of America considers this a threat to its presence in the region; This study provides an analytical view of the impact of the conflict in the South China Sea by showing its strategic importance.

China’s rise and the revelation that international relations are aligned with Western perspectives………………………………. Mustapha Bekhouche    107

Many international relations theories after the end of the Cold War blatantly revealed the fact that they were biased towards Western perspectives, as many of them succumbed to illusions of victory, falling into the trap of thinking that things have come to an end. This study argues that the content of Western academic production in the field of international relations regarding the rise of China reflects a clear bias that focuses on the fact that China poses a threat, neglecting the opportunities provided to nearly one and a half billion people through unprecedented development. On the one hand, it also argues that the rise of China provides a real opportunity for the formation of a theoretical pluralism in the study of international affairs.

⬛ Articles and Opinions

  • The Economic System and the Arab Future:
    The New Socialism……………………………………… Sabri Zayer Al Saadi    124
  • The war in Ukraine and the possibility of escalation (analytical reading
    of the article by John Mearsheimer)…………………. Iyad Hilal Al-Kinani    132
  • Fareed Zakaria and the emerging world order………… Obaid Al Halimi 143

⬛ Report

  • Call of Cairo………………………………………………… Arab Peace Group 151

⬛ Books and Readings

  • Algeria between stagnation and rise
    (Mohamed Shafiq Misbah)…………. Mohamed Seif Al-Islam Boufalaka    153
  • Arabic and foreign books and research reports……….. Gaby El Khoury 157

Arabic Books: From the Power of Identity to the Imitated Text: A Critical Reading of Intellectual Practices in Sudan; Studies on Normalization with the Zionist State: The Award-Winning Studies of the International Research Competition “No to Normalization”; Arab National Security Strategy in light of International Changes; Turkey and the strategic balance in the Middle East.

Foreign Books: The Globalization Myth: Why Regions Matter; Palestine in the Victorian Age: Colonial Encounters in the Holy Land; Stability and the Lebanese State in the 20th Century: Building Political Legitimacy.

Research Reports: Lebanon and Israel’s Maritime Deal Suspends Them Between No War and No Peace; The New Biden National Security Strategy.

⬛ Conferences

  • Glasgow summit and climate change: around the corner from the collapse
    of the Titanic Capitalocene….. Houcine Choigrani – Abdel Daim Battioui    166
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