The ARAB FUTURE (AL MUSTAQBAL AL ARABI), No. 524, October 2022



Weight0,265 kg
Dimensions24 × 17 cm
Journal Form

Electronic, Paper

⬛ Editorial

Global Transformation and Possible Oportunities for Arab Solidarity……………………………. Centre for Arab Unity Studies        7

⬛ Studies

Arab-Israeli Normalization: From Camp David to Abraham: Paths and Repercussions    Abdul Karim bin Al-Dakhli…………………………………………………………………………………………. 10

This study touches upon Arab-Israeli normalization and its repercussions on the Palestinian cause through dissecting the various peace agreements signed throughout the Arab region, from Camp David to Abraham. The study reveals how each path varies from the others, despite having normalization as a common purpose, to change the concepts of the Arab-Islamic culture & mind, that reject Israel and its existence. Camp David and the Egyptian-Israeli treaty were an explicit declaration of a new era where Arabs acknowledged the occupying power, the Jordanian-Israeli treaty also acknowledged the occupation as effective regional partner. On the other hand, the Abraham Agreement signified a change in the geopolitical map of the region, based on the strategic alliance between the Emirates, Bahrain and Israel.

The Water Crisis in Southern Iraq: Its Manifestations and Repercussions……………………………………………………. Diyari Saleh      28

The water crisis has become a major challenge facing Iraq today, as the flow of river water to Iraq from neighboring countries dwindles ever more, especially the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. This study argues that this crisis will have serious repercussions in the future, especially so as clan conflicts that might occur over water quotas in different cities of Iraq, conflicts between the clans and the state over the lack of solutions offered to address this crisis, and food security being at stake, as well as how some parties use it as means for stimulating hatred that may lead to fueling internal regional conflicts in Iraq in the future.

Tripoli’s Population Texture during the Ottoman Rule: Records the Sharia Court (1715 – 1741)……………… Mahmoud Ahmed Al-Uthun      48

Tripoli’s fascinating history has been distinguished by wonderful paintings that reflect the peaceful coexistence of the religious sects that were present in it. The Sharia court records in Tripoli indicate that this city was spared from sectarian events, similar to what occurred in Damascus and Mount Lebanon in 1845 and 1860. True that it had social, economic problems and disputes, yet that was a far cry from religious conflicts. The influx of different human elements into Tripoli made it home to various population groups, and made its society a mixture of diverse origins. Natural and economic factors contributed to in smelting the population into one melting pot, forming the general frameworks of their social life in its various cultural, intellectual and political aspects.

Understanding the Structures of Linguistic Pride: A Conceptual and Methodological Framework Abdullah Al-Beraidi…………………………………………………………………………………………. 60

Having pride in the linguistic aspect is considered of great importance, as it represents the basic platform used by emerging societies to protect their mother tongues, ensure their sovereignty and develop their society, making it a source of strength and development for current and future use. Despite the importance of this concept and its growing use in linguistic literature and community forums, Arabic literature does not have an adequate conceptual and methodological framework to explore and measure it, whether qualitatively or quantitatively. In this context, this research aims to present a proposal, highlighting the problem, and presenting a methodological conceptual approach through sequential axes, proposing the use of the qualitative and quantitative approaches. While adopting the first approach the dominant one, as it was used in early studies, and since qualitative research is capable of in-depth understanding of linguistic pride in its complex context.

Digital Protest and the Evolution of Contemporary Political Movement…………………………………………………… Sherif Abdel Rahman      74

This study deals with one of the aspects of contemporary political movement, the phenomenon of digital protest, that is, the practice of opposition through the use of information and communication technologies. The study indicates the importance of understanding the objective context that produced this phenomenon, and the error of limiting it to the technical dimension. In this context, the study explores the origins of the idea of digital protest, starting in the 1960s, specifically in the midst of the counterculture movement that called for – among other things – liberating society through the use of modern technology and information sharing. During the information revolution, these movements turned to patterns of opposition that went beyond politics in its traditional sense, using the virtual/cyber as a framework for protest.

The Fallacies behind the Statement “The Religious State from an Islamic and Nationalist Perspective”
(Ali Abdel Razek and Shibli AlAysami)……………… Badr Eddin Barhoumi      93

The Arab awakening included a new type of perception, which produced new mechanisms for considering heritage and belief. This awakening represented a modernizing process, a clash between two types of thinking, a traditional type and a pattern open to new forms of knowledge. Secular Muslims found themselves in the second type, and together they fought a real struggle in search for intellectual, doctrinal, and ideological foundations for the national state. The strong tendency towards rationality, caused a drift from traditional concepts. The new intellectual model had the seeds of rebellion against every absolute thought, especially religious and metaphysical

thought. Among the most prominent of these thinkers, Ali Abd al-Razeq and Shibli al-Aysami.

Israeli Mediation Between Russia and Ukraine: The Dynamics of the Internal Agenda and its Impact on Foreign Policy………………………………………………………………… Emad Moayad Jassem      109

The “neutral” stance that Israel took at the beginning of the Russian-Atlantic confrontation in Ukraine, was linked to a political tradition derived from the Cold War era, it represents the unwillingness of “Israel” to take sides between a party representing a superpower against another superpower, especially that «Israel» has exceptional relations with Russia. In addition, this “neutral” stance and “Israel” presenting itself as a mediator between the two parties is linked to internal Israeli calculations in which the Israeli Prime Minister attempting a preemptive method to confront a difficult political stage at home. Thus, the mediation allowed him to maintain constant contact between Israel and Russia with the aim of preserving Tel Aviv’s security understandings with Moscow regarding the Syrian arena.

Criticism of Western-centrism (Through France, Spain and The Rif (Walter Harris))………………………………………………… Sufian Al-Ashrey      124

This study highlights some cultural achievements through a very important book entitled : France,Spain and The Rif that was written by the British correspondent Walter Harris whose main mission was to justify the colonial enterprise and compel the Moroccan other to accept the version of himself that the colonizer was trying to formulate. His unregimented subjectivity and hegemonizing representations have become ‘fragile images’ when anaylyzing and translating his discourse, thus, placing the book by the side of the bed for the Arab reader to understand that the linguistic flaws and the colonial masks will always fail to destroy our self-awareness and cultural identity.

⬛ Articles and Opinions

  • What Future Awaits Sudan
    in the Next Decade?……………………… Muhammad Hassab Al-Rassoul 135
  • The Tripartite Security Alliance «Okos»
    in the Strategic Balance…………………………………………….. Amr Allan 147

⬛ Books and readings

  • Banking on the State: The Financial Foundations of Lebanon
    (Hisham Safi El-Din)……………………………………………… Jasmine Qaiq 154
  • Arabic and foreign books and research reports……….. Gaby El Khoury 162
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