Ruling Regime in Oman : Ibadi Doctrine vs. Political Practice

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AuthorTahani Al HosaniDate30/12/2020No. of Pages140EditionfirstISBN9789953829272E-ISBN9786144981573


Weight0,245 kg
Dimensions24 × 17 cm
Product Type

Electronic, Paper

The Center for Arab Unity Studies has published the book Ruling Regime in Oman : Ibadi Doctrine vs. Political Practice, by Tahani Al Hosani.

The political events that the Islamic state witnessed in the first century of Hijra represented a turning point for the emergence of forces opposing the ruling authority, as they transformed their political positions and premises into political and ideological currents that were formed and crystallized according to the political practices that the Umayyad state followed against it.

Ibadi Doctrine adopted an approach that differed from other groups opposing the authority, and intersected with them in other aspects; As the features of its principles and political slogans were formed during the founding stage, then through political practice the religious and political frameworks of its thought took shape, according to the geographical environment and the circumstances from which it emerged, from Basra to Yemen, Oman and North Africa. Ibadi thought represented a turning point for the political experience of the Omanis, especially after its features became clear, and its ideas were practically applied at the end of the first half of the second century after migration (Hijra) with the announcement of the birth of the first Imamate in Oman.

This book seeks to uncover the circumstances and conditions that contributed to the transformation of the Ibadi doctrine from a mere political stance towards the events that struck the Islamic nation in the first century of immigration to a political current with its political theory of governance, which it (Ibadi) has succeeded in applying in different parts of the Islamic world. It is a theory that arose out of political perspectives opposed to the practices of the Umayyad state, and then formed and crystallized as a result of complex relationships and circumstances in its geographical, social and political environment that interacted with its constants and influenced its practice, trends and variables of its forces.

تهاني بنت عبد الله الحوسني

باحثة في مركز الدراسات العمانية في جامعة السلطان قابوس، من مواليد صحار، عُمان، عام 1987. حائزة شهادة الماجستير في التاريخ الإسلامي، من كلية الآداب والعلوم الاجتماعية، جامعة السلطان قابوس. شاركت في إعداد عدة أبحاث وأوراق عمل وفي أنشطة بحثية ودورات تدريبية مختلفة.

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