Roots of Culture in the Arab World

30 $48 $

AuthorIsmail Al-ShattiDate30/12/2020No. of Pages1280EditionfirstISBN9789953829210E-ISBN9786144981566


Weight2,14 kg
Dimensions24 × 17 cm
Product Type

Electronic, Paper

The Center for Arab Unity Studies published the collection of Roots of Culture in the Arab world in four volumes, by the writer Ismail Al-Shatti.

The Arab region has produced over thousands of years a culture that is one of the oldest and most diverse cultures in the world, that contributed to human civilization in general, but at the same time it has been subjected to many distortions, rigidity and fragmentation, whether due to subjective and objective factors or due to external factors.

The four books delve into history to discover this culture, and identify its components, characteristics and common constituents, and to trace its outcomes, providing a critical reading of the historical narratives prevailing in the region, with the aim of purifying it from the influence of the various political, economic and religious biases. The history of culture is linked to the history of Homo sapiens in the region, and his eternal message towards humanism and urbanism, as well as, pre and post-historic civilizations, and religions before and after Abraham, thus, these books try to go back in geography to pre-Holocene era, to search for the first sane human citizens in the region, and to put Neighboring and successive civilizations within one human framework.

The collection studies the positive impact of the Abrahamic religions in facing brutal lifestyles and their negative impact on the concept of humanism. It also studies the role of emperors and churchmen in destroying the region’s ancient history, which was called pagan history, and the elimination of the principle of freedom of belief and knowledge. And even after Islam came as a guiding message to emphasize this principle, a struggle for power arose, gradually transforming into an authoritarian approach that seeks to encircle the Qur’anic principles calling for governance. The four books trace the stages of the “encircling” process until the present day, in which the East has declined and the West has emerged as the dominant force.

إسماعيل الشطي

من مواليد عام 1950 ، حاصل على درجة الدكتوراه في الهندسة المدنية من جامعة ساوث هامبتون في بريطانيا، ترأس ودَرّس في كلية  الدراسات التكنولوجية، وله عدة مؤلفات وأوراق علمية. كان عضوًا في المجلس التخطيطي لمشروع الألفية التابع لجامعة الأمم المتحدة في طوكيو، كما أشرف على إنجاز عدة مشاريع مستقبلية لدولة الكويت بالتعاون مع مشروع الألفية، ثم أشرف على إنجاز رؤية الكويت 2035 بالتعاون مع المكتب الاستشاري لتوني بلير، واختير مستشارًا لمؤسسة توني بلير للإيمان. وكان عضوًا في مجلس الأمة الكويتي، ثم عضوًا في المجلس الأعلى للتخطيط بالكويت، ثم وزيرًا، ثم نائب رئيس الوزراء، ثم مستشارًا بدرجة وزير في مجلس الوزراء الكويتي.

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