Readings in the Arab Renaissance Initiative

5,00 $8,00 $

AuthorGroup of AuthorsDate28/4/2016No. of Pages208EditionfirstISBN9789953827582E-ISBN9786144982822


Weight0,32 kg
Dimensions17 × 24 cm
Product Type

Electronic, Paper

The book consists of a number of articles written in recent years, discussing the text of the “Arab Renaissance Project” issued by the Centre for Arab Unity Studies in early 2010, and printed in a book bearing the same title. These articles are demonstrative of two facts:

First, they are indicative of the value of the document on the idea of a Renaissance, the opportunities that this project holds, the expressed needs and expectations of the Arab cultural and political elites in a political climate characterized by stormy windfalls, and the resulting questions of concern regarding future outcomes and ways of seeking progress.

Second, it is reflective of the level of interaction within the Arab intellectual elite in discussing this project, the level of awareness and the level of critical thinking invested in it, as well as the general sense of responsibility towards a project that is calling for a historical breakthrough.

مركز دراسات الوحدة العربية

مركز دراسات الوحدة العربية

فكرة تأسيس مركز للدراسات من جانب نخبة واسعة من المثقفين العرب في سبعينيات القرن الماضي كمشروع فكري وبحثي متخصص في قضايا الوحدة العربية

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