Migration and Human Rights: Economy Cost ,Security Policy Bets, and Border Fencing

$12 $

AuthorEl-Hussein Chougrani and Ibrahim MorshidDate31/8/2021No. of Pages222EditionfirstISBN9789953829524E-ISBN9786144980996

Weight0,35 kg
Dimensions24 × 17 cm
Product Type

Electronic, Paper

The Center for Arab Unity Studies published the book Migration and Human Rights: Economy Cost ,Security Policy Bets, and Border Fencing (Supervision and Coordination by El-Hussein Chougrani and Ibrahim Morshid).

Between merging at one time and rejection at other times; And in the midst of the accelerating dynamics of globalization, which push towards lifting restrictions, opening borders, bypassing barriers and fences, and opening up to the other on the one hand, or towards closing borders in the face of immigration on the other hand; Countries’ policies and strategies differ according to their political interests and their views of the concerns arising from migration. The cost of managing migration within the framework of human rights files, their social contexts, and the surrounding circumstances requires the development of initiatives that accommodate diversity and differences between cultures, in addition to providing huge budgets to address the effects and dimensions of migration.

This book addresses the problems raised by the intersection of migration and human rights from the perspectives of economics, politics, law, sociology and geography. By browsing through the studies presented in this book, we will find that they provide, from the point of view of the intersection of knowledge fields, rich information, useful ideas, and refreshing discussions on questions hanging in the mind of the researcher and the political decision maker about changes in climate, identity, culture, integration and the diversity of its dimensions; and the living conditions of the population in the oases and mountainous areas that have been emptied of their inhabitants.

Based on the problems related to immigration, human rights, and border fencing (nationalism), this book presents a diverse and multi-field studies of social knowledge that seek to answer the major problems posed in the context of the dualism of globalization – protectionism, and the ego – the other; highlighting the manifestations of this on some Arab countries; While emphasizing that the world needs to promote shared values ​​to better engage in a world of cultural and identifiable differences.

الحسين شكراني

باحث في العلاقات الدولية، من مواليد سيدي بوزيد، أكليم (المغرب) عام 1971. حاصل على الدكتوراه في الدينامية الجديدة للعلاقات الدولية من جامعة محمد الأول (كلية العلوم القانونية والاقتصادية والاجتماعية)، وجدة – المغرب. وهو عضو بالجمعية الروسية للقانون الدولي البحري. من مؤلفاته: المقاربة المتوسطية الخضراء للبنــك الأوروبــي للاستثمار (1958-2012): دورها ومحدوديتها وسبـل تطويرها (قيد الطبع)، ونحو مقاربة بيئية للمياه العربية (مركز دراسات الوحدة العربية، 2021)، وتناقضات القانون الدولي: مدخل تحليلي (مركز دراسات الوحدة العربية، 2019). كما نشر عددًا من المقالات والتقارير العلمية في عدة دوريات متخصصة.

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