Lebanon and al-Taif: A Historical Intersection and a Discontinued Course

$13 $

AuthorAref Al-AbdDate22/12/2021No. of Pages413EditionSecondISBN9789953829654E-ISBN9786144981375

Weight0,62 kg
Dimensions24 × 17 cm
Product Type

Electronic, Paper

The Center for Arab Unity Studies has published the second edition of the book Lebanon and al-Taif: A Historical Intersection and a Discontinued Course by Dr. Aref Al-Abd.

This book traces the roots of the Lebanese crises since it was under the Ottoman Empire rule and how the Lebanese system was established and founded according to sectarian and religious distribution, up until the establishment of modern Lebanon and the experience of the National Pact in the First Republic and the setbacks it was exposed to, that paved the way for reaching the Taif settlement.

The book presents the local, regional and international political circumstances that accompanied the preparation and completion of the agreement, and the documents, projects and reform papers that paved the way for reaching it, even those unannounced documents, including the background paper prepared by the American diplomat April Glaspie, which accompanied the international Western atmosphere then and reaching this settlement.

The book contains six chapters distributed over three sections, and it also contains ten official documents including agreements, treaties, and draft projects closely related to the subject of the book, in addition to the introduction, conclusion, references, and index.

عارف العبد

عمل محررًا في القسم السياسي في صحيفة السفير لأكثر من عشر سنوات بدءًا من عام 1981، ثم مديرًا للأخبار والبرامج السياسية في تلفزيون لبنان الرسمي ومديرًا للأخبار والبرامج السياسية في تلفزيون المستقبل، ثم مديرًا مسؤولًا للتحرير خلال تأسيس وإصدار جريدة المستقبل ثم مديرًا للتحرير في مركز دراسات الوحدة العربية ومديرًا عامًا مشرفًا على تأسيس وإصدار جريدة الميثاق البحرينية عام 2003 ومستشارًا للشؤون الإعلامية لرئيس مجلس الوزراء فؤاد السنيورة وأستاذًا في كلية الإعلام في الجامعة اللبنانية.

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