Islamic Fundamentalism: The Story of Islamist Movements

$13 $

AuthorYoussef M. ChoueiriDate15/3/2019No. of Pages256EditionsecondISBN9789953829012E-ISBN9786144981740


Weight0,365 kg
Dimensions24 × 17 cm
Product Type

Electronic, Paper

The Center for Arab Unity Studies issued the second edition of the book “Islamic Fundamentalism: Movements of Revival, Reform and Extremism” by Dr. Yusef Al-Shuweiri.

The book presents a new reading on the phenomenon of modern and contemporary Islamic movements. It attempts to show the extent to which these movements represent Islam by linking their connotations to the traditions of the religion, and it does so by capturing the historical dimension and the political context of each. It is thus necessary to make an in-depth comparison between the religion of Islam and the selected movements which attribute whoever is a believer the ability to know the Quranic verses, the hadiths, the biography of the Prophet, his companions, and the first pillars of the faith. Despite the complexity of the topic, the depth of its scope and the abundance of its material, the author did succeed in clarifying the matter at hand.

It is worth noting that the English version of this book has been extensively used in the academic programs of many universities around the world, and has become a basic reference in studies dealing with the history of Islamic movements, their composition and the study of their ideologies.

يوسف الشويري

أستاذ في التاريخ وزميل بحوثٍ فخريٍّ في جامعة مانشستر، المملكة المُتحدة. عمل كقارئ (أستاذ مُشارك) للدراسات العربية والإسلامية في جامعة إكستر وجامعة مانشستر، وفي معهد الدوحة للدراسات العُليا. ألَّف وحرَّر عددًا من الكتب، منها: التاريخ العربي والدولة القومية؛ ودليلٌ لتاريخ الشرق الأوسط؛ والأصولية الإسلامية. تشمل اهتماماته البحثية مجموعة من الموضوعات المتعلقة بالشرق الأوسط والعالم العربي والإسلامي، كظهور التأريخ العربي الحديث وتطوُّره، ومفهوم الدولة القومية، والقومية العربية، والحداثة الشرق الأوسطية والإسلاموية.

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