Ibn Rushd: Biography, Thought, Study and Texts

$12 $

AuthorMohammed Abed Al-JabriDate30/1/2020No. of Pages344EditionseventhISBN9789953828985E-ISBN9786144981771


Weight0,515 kg
Dimensions24 × 17 cm
Product Type

Electronic, Paper

Published by the Center for Arab Unity Studies, this is the seventh edition of the book “Ibn Rushd: Biography, thoughts, studies and Texts” by Dr. Muhammad Abid Al-Jabri.

This book is a work done by Dr. Muhammad Abid Al-Jabri, who supervised the project of publishing Ibn Rushd’s books, in the aim of introducing rationalism and intellectual behavior for the new generation of scholars and intellectuals. The rationalization of “political Islam” cannot take place without first generalizing rationality in cultural and educational circles in order to identify with heritage, contemporary thought, and saturate the spirit with scientific and moral virtue.

The book is divided into thirteen chapters that explores important milestones in the life of Ibn Rushd, the scholar, the judge, and philosopher in his scientific and philosophical career. In his path in jurisprudence, the book recounts his contribution to fatwas and overcoming dogmas. It explores his astronomical and medical interests, as well as an analysis of his positions on politics, authoritarian rule, tyranny, and the necessity of reform, and an analysis of a number of his philosophical texts with the aim of restoring his thoughts to the core of Arab Islamic thought, away from the echoes of “Latin rationalism” in its Orientalist form after his original works were made accessible to Europe. The book is thus an attempt to review and recover his work in its original form, the Arab and Islamic intellectual model.

محمد عابد الجابري

ولد في المغرب عام 1936. وافاه الأجل في 3/5/2010. حصل على دكتوراه الدولة في الفلسفة عام
1970 من كلية الآداب بالرباط. له العديد من الكتب المنشورة منها:
■ العصبية والدولة: معالم نظرية خلدونية في التاريخ العربي الإسلامي (1971)
■ مدخل إلى فلسفة العلوم، جزءان (1976)
■ تكوين العقل العربي (نقد العقل العربي (1)) (1982)

■ بنية العقل العربي: دراسة تحليلية نقدية لنظم المعرفة في الثقافة العربية (نقد العقل العربي (2)) (1986)

■ العقل السياسي العربي، محدداته وتجلياته (نقد العقل العربي (3)) (1990)

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