I was Ambassador in Iraq, 1963 – 1965: The Arab Unity’s Lost of Opportunities

7,00 $12,00 $

AuthorAmin HweidiDate7/2/2017No. of Pages320EditionsecondISBN9789953827919E-ISBN9786144982471

Category Tag

Weight0,48 kg
Dimensions17 × 24 cm
Product Type

Electronic, Paper


This book takes us more than half a century back, to shed light on an important period in the history of the Arab nation, especially the eastern countries, where the “popular climate” was still aiming for unity, and unitary political forces were at the peak of their power and influence; while the unionist experiences between those forces holding power at that time were going through difficult trials and labors, from which they gained nothing but lost opportunities and disappointments.

مركز دراسات الوحدة العربية

مركز دراسات الوحدة العربية

فكرة تأسيس مركز للدراسات من جانب نخبة واسعة من المثقفين العرب في سبعينيات القرن الماضي كمشروع فكري وبحثي متخصص في قضايا الوحدة العربية

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