Human Conscience in the Era of Corona: Diaries and Contemplations


AuthorYousef Al HassanDate 18/1/2023No. of Pages128EditionFirstISBN9786144980149E-ISBN9786144980712

Weight0,145 kg
Dimensions21,5 × 13,5 cm
Product Type

Electronic, Paper

The center of Arab Unity Studies published the book Human Conscience in the Era of Corona: Diaries and Contemplations by Dr. Yousef Al Hassan.
In times of global epidemics, fear and despair spreads, the economy is paralyzed and damaged, the social fabric disintegrates, unemployment and hunger exacerbate; health, education and social relations systems are cracked, and the gates of cities and neighborhoods, museums, universities and schools are closed; and transportation, entertaining means… etc. are disrupted. Humanity rushes to what looks like islands isolated from each other, and many patterns of human life change.
In these diaries and contemplations, the author wonders, will the Corona pandemic and its repercussions constitute a glimmer of hope that will lead humanity to formulate a mature vision for a global moral system that revives the human conscience, and rids it of the clutches of solidarity and moral bankruptcy, and irresponsible practices? contemplations on questions of life and death, on the philosophy of development, society, nature, happiness and suffering, and the interaction of human society in facing epidemics and their repercussions, are the main axes in this book, which includes research, articles, thoughts, sorrows, and diaries written by the author in the years of Corona. They are intellectual texts, inasmuch as they are filled with the concerns of the pandemic and recording the feelings and rituals of some of its days and people, they also seek to awaken the human conscience, rescue sad and captive cities, and give “meaning” a dimension saturated with hope to revive the soul, and to restore the human tendency and the values of coexistence and tolerance in the face of fear, injustice, hatred, violence, ugliness, corruption and irresponsibility.

يوسف الحسن

باحث وكاتب عربي من دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة. حائز درجة دكتوراه الفلسفة في العلوم السياسية. عمل نحو أربعة عقود في العمل الدبلوماسي والسياسي، وهو من الرعيل الأول في السلك الدبلوماسي لدولة الإمارات (2010-1972). شغل عدة مناصب ومسؤوليات دبلوماسية، وكان آخرها المدير العام للمعهد الدبلوماسي، بدرجة سفير. انخرط في العمل الثقافي والفكري والعمل العام. وراكم خبرة في البحوث والتطوير والتدريب والتأهيل وإعداد القيادات، وخبرة في العمل الإعلامي، وهو أول رئيس تحرير لجريدة الخليج الإماراتية (1972-1970). نشر العشرات من البحوث والمقالات، وأصدر أكثر من 38 كتابًا في العلاقات العربية والدولية والشؤون الدبلوماسية والمجتمع والثقافة.

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