Exporting Wealth and Entrenching Alienation: A History of Production in the GCC

11 $18 $

AuthorOmar H. Al-ShehabiDate27/4/2023No. of Pages520EditionThirdISBN9786144980279E-ISBN9786144980934


Weight0,77 kg
Dimensions24 × 17 cm
Product Type

Electronic, Paper

the Center for Arab Unity Studies published the third edition of the bookExporting Wealth and Entrenching Alienation: A History of Production in the GCC by Omar H. Al-Shehabi.

This book attempts to answer the following question: What is the shape of economic production in the GCC countries in the oil age, and what social and political relations have grown around it, and is it sustainable in the future? To answer this question the book examines the history of oil discovery in the Arabian Peninsula, the penetration of British colonialism in its territory, the emergence of the modern state, the formation of profit-making companies, the emergence of social welfare services, the demands of political movements organized among its citizens, the emergence of the kafala system and the migration networks formed around it, the pattern of building modern cities in the region, and the acquisition and exploitation of natural resources from land and seas. This book attempts to approach all these axes from a different critical perspective, interacting with and transcending narratives in general. We hope that those familiar with the economy, history, politics and state literature, sociology, urban and urban studies, and a reader interested in the Arab Gulf States in general will find their attention among the authors of this book.

عمر الشهابي

مدير مركز الخليج لسياسات التنمية، وأستاذ مشارك في الاقتصاد السياسي في جامعة الخليج للعلوم والتكنولوجيا (GUST) في الكويت.

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