VOL. 9, NO. 4, 523-535
© 2016 The Centre for Arab Unity Studies
Isma‘il al-Shatti: Writer and former Vice Prime Minister of Kuwait, Kuwait.
- This paper was selected from the 2016 Arab National Conference.
- The constitution of Yemen does not clearly specify a democratic system. However, in lieu ofthat, it mentions ‘mechanisms of democracy‘. Article 4 states that the people possess power and are its source; they exercise it in direct fashion via means of general referenda and elections. Additionally, they practise it indirectly by means of legislative, executive and judiciary bodies, and through the local, elected council (majlis). Article 5 states that the political system of the republic persists with political and party pluralism with the goal of the peaceful rotation of power. As for the Omani constitution, it does not describe the system of state; however, Section 9 mentions that rule in the sultanate persists on the basis of justice, mutual consultation (al-shura) and equality, and that the citizens – in accordance with this basic system as well as the conditions and circumstances clarified under law – have the right to participate in public affairs. As for the constitution of the UAE, it does not indicate the nature of the system of the state.
- Jordan, the UAE, Bahrain, Syria, Oman, Qatar, Kuwait and Lebanon.
- See the website of the High Arab Organization for Fiscal Oversight and Accountability Apparatuses; see also the website for the State Audit and Administrative Control Bureau of the State of Palestine which lists special laws for accountability apparatuses in the Arab nation under the section on Arab oversight apparatuses (
- Taking into account the political backwardness in the Arab nation on the basis of Westernindicators leads, in general, to misleading results. Doing so engenders in Arab citizens feelings of weakness, waywardness and insignificance, and it engrains a sense of inferiority towards the West and its perceived superiority. Thus, in the author’s opinion, Arab citizens must register their objections and observations with regard to these indicators that exhibit a great deal of manipulation, bias and outright deception. It is possible to provide examples of these observations along the lines of the following: (1) promoting and propagandizing the Western capitalist model where most of the results accord a conspicuous position to wealthy Western states with liberal democratic systems or states strategically allied to these, all of which gives the impression that ‘progressiveness’ lies in the acquisition of resources and alliance with the West; (2) arbitrariness in transforming concepts into numbers (i.e., the quantification of qualitative data); (3) eclecticism in selecting criteria and excluding problematic or anomalous results; and (4) concealing the role the West has played in inculcating the prevailing backwardness, where such becomes evident in the role of the West in selling weapons and war material to non-Western states at war or in making war on small commercial projects in the interest of major corporations. For more details, see Al-Shatti (2014).
- The ‘democracy indicator’ is one of the units of information taken into account by The Economist magazine in order to assess the state of democracy in 167 countries. This unit of information in the democracy indicator relies on 60 criteria summarized in five different categories: electoral processes; political pluralism and civil liberties; government performance; political participation; and political culture.
- This indicator is from the series Reports on Government published by the University ofMaryland for assessing democracy in the countries of the world.
- An ‘anocracy’ is an unstable system that blends between autocracy and democracy.
- The CIRI project to evaluate the status of human rights throughout the countries of the worldis funded by the US National Institute of Science, the World Bank, the German GTZ Corporation, as well as Binghamton University in New York and Connecticut University. This comprises 17 criteria where the sum total score indicates the relative respect of a given state for human rights: (1) freedom of assembly and association; (2) instances of disappearance; (3) domestic freedom of movement; (4) electoral self-determination (formerly categorized as ‘political participation’ and ‘free and fair elections’); (5) the empowerment rights index;
(6) extrajudicial killings; (7) freedom of foreign travel; (8) independence of the judiciary;
(9) the physical integrity rights index; (10) political imprisonment; (11) freedom of religion; (12) freedom of speech; (13) torture; (14) women’s economic rights; (15) women’s political rights; (16) women’s social rights; and (17) workers’ rights.
- These are Lebanon, Tunisia and Kuwait.
- The Worldwide Index of Human Freedom is issued by the Fraser Institute in Canada, Germany’s Liberales Institut and the US-based Cato Institute. It contains criteria on freedom of speech, freedom of religion, economic choice for individuals, freedom of assembly, levels of crime and violence, freedom of movement, rights of women, and LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) rights.
- The International Organization for Transparency, located in Berlin, has been issuing its Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) since 1995; it also issues a global corruption report that is a barometer for global corruption and the payment of bribes. However, the US branch does not ever comment upon any case of corruption in the United States in any of its reports, which is ironic given that it obtains its funding from the Boeing Corporation whose chief executive officer (CEO) was imprisoned for a case of corruption – suggesting at the very least that the organization does not enjoy complete transparency, at least not with regard to its sponsor. Furthermore, the organization is sometimes the victim of hasty information and hasty judgement as in the case of what happened with Venezuela in May 2008 when the organization was obliged to settle a dispute on the basis of what it had published in its report on the section on ‘transparency of increased income’ to the effect that the stateowned Venezuelan Oil Company had failed to disclose essential information, such as the amount of increase in the company’s revenue as well as the amount of taxes it had paid in addition to claims that it had not provided accurate account information. As a result of this, the report gave Venezuela the lowest ranking for tax estimates among the oil companies of 42 countries; however, the report proved to be in error as all the information for the Venezuelan Oil Company was a matter of public record. This led to accusations against the International Organization for Transparency for conducting a campaign against the Venezuelan government.
- The indicator is scaled from 0 to 100, where the lowest ranking (zero) indicates rampantlevels of corruption and lack of transparency and the higher rankings indicate greater transparency and integrity. Comparison of annual rates of transparency and integrity show the degree to which a given country has either evidenced a favourable increase on the scale or whether it has shown a relative increase in levels of corruption, as indicated by falling score.
- The well-known American thinker Samuel Huntington (1968) in his The Political Order in Changing Societies comes to a debatable conclusion that democracy in states such as South Korea came about primarily because of the stage of economic growth that preceded the adoption of the democratic system.
- The first to propose the case for the relation between mean income and democracy wasSeymour Martin Lipest (d. 2006), the American political sociologist. The concept was subsequently known as ‘Lipest’s law’ (Lipest 1959). This topic has been discussed by researchers such as Boix (2009), Acemoglu et al. (2008), Collier (2007), Paldam and Gundlach 2008; and Fayad, Bates, and Hoeffler 2011).
- Larry Diamond of Stanford University’s Hoover Institute wrote: ‘Some see the existence of a large accumulation of evidence for the ability of the ruling regime to remain in power in the case of the improved economic situation’ (Diamond 1992, 450). A study conducted by Adam Przeworski and associates (for the 1950–90 period) found a direct and fixed correlation between average individual income in the country with democratic governance and the possibility for the death of democracy in some particular year. The more the wealth of the country increases, the less likely is the possibility for the failure of democracy. However, the more important result for the discussion here is that at all the levels of economic growth (even at the level of the highest sector of an annual mean income of US $10,000 according to 2009 exchange rates), democracy is most subject to collapse during economic recession, as observed by Przeworski et al. (2000) as ‘the death of democracy a clear pattern’. In a more recent study, Kapstein and Converse (2009) arrive at a similar conclusion with regard to democracies that came into existence between 1960 and 2004. They found ‘a major connection between a rise in total average growth of the Domestic Product and reduced chances for the demise of democracy’, whereas ‘rises in average rates of inflation in one of the years has a major connection to the occurrence of a tangible increase in the potential for the demise of democracy’. In other words, good economic performance facilitates the survival of democracies, where as poor performance threatens it.
- The demise of Indian democracy takes place in this context: despite the democracy of theIndian system, it did not succeed in overcoming religious struggles or overcoming them; and the right-wing Hindu nationalist party – the Bahartiya Janata Party (BJP) – remains one of the most powerful political parties in the country.
- Good governance is a system for oversight and orientation at the institutional level that determines responsibilities, rights and relations with all the particular groups and clarifies the bases and necessary procedures to make good decisions pertaining to the work of the organization. It is a system that calls for justice, transparency and institutional accountability; and it reinforces trust and honesty in the work environment.
- The view of the late founding president of Singapore, Lee Kwan Yu, proceeded from thestandpoint that growth must precede democracy. He emphasized that democracy be implemented in states where order and stability prevail and not in ones where there are situations of dissension and chaos. The people must have attained a certain stage of discipline and ability to bear responsibility without being supervised by anyone. Similarly, democracy does not succeed except when the culture of toleration is prevalent. Lee reiterated in his book From Third World to First (Lee 2011) that had democracy been implemented immediately after Singapore’s independence from Malaysia in 1965, that would have caused a disaster from the perspective that Singapore was suffering from security, economic and social problems in addition to financial and administrative corruption. Lee saw that before the implementation of a democratic system, such obstacles must be overcome, and also on the condition that education and the economy are developed and that a middle class is formed where life is not only a matter of endeavouring to meet basic needs.
- Easterly et al. (2009) ask what the economic consequences of American interventions are ofthe sort practised to keep in place and support political leaders in other countries. The lack of credible information on these secret interventions up until now constitutes an obstacle to serious treatment of the like of this question. Despite this, recent Cold War-era documents of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) have become declassified, and this is among that which has made it possible to deal with this subject methodologically in the context of the Cold War. On this point, see Andrew and Mitrokhin (2000, 2006), Blum (1986, 2004), Bueno de Mesquita and Downs (2006), Easterly, Satyanath, and Berger (2008), Kinzer (2006), and Westad (2005, 2007).
- The assertion that ‘the Quran is our constitution’ is either a denigration of the place of the Quran and its sacredness or ignorance of the nature of a constitution and its intended function. This impels us to define what is implied by the term ‘constitution’ so as to make clear the error of comparing between the Quran and the concept of a constitution. The general definition of a constitution is a set of basic principles that define the form of the state and the ruling system within it. It specifies basic guarantees of rights of individuals and assigns the extent of the powers of the state in addition to regulating its public powers with a clarification of the particular functions and nature of these powers. Some constitutions delimit the relationship between the state and religion and the relationship between ethnicities or minorities among one another in the event that the society is comprised of multiple races and factions/denominations. According to this definition, it is not possible for the Quran to be the ‘constitution’ of any state. The Quran is a book sent down by Allah for humanity across all times and for all places. Its purpose is more extensive and comprehensive than simply delimiting the form of state and the ruling system within it. Rather, its purpose is to construct a creedal concept that regulates the relationship between the creator and the created beings and between the human being and the rest of creation and between creatures and life. It is a set of concepts and worldview that if the human being were to follow, it would engender values and balances commensurate with the rhythm of the movement of creatures and which would guarantee the continuation of life and the sanctity of the universe as well as the survival of humankind. It is a concept that takes up more than two-thirds of the Quran in detailed explanation and repeated types of examples, confirming evidences from history, the universe, the environment and the human self. The other third contains accounts from the history of the prophetic mission of the Prophet (peace be upon him), instances in which revelation occurred either to record them or to comment on them for the sake of their becoming a code of law to be obeyed. The Quran relies on propounding law (al-tashri’) to a greater degree than that human thought nourished by the values and balances spring from that perception related to Providence. Thus, the Quran did not broach most of the issues pertaining to the form of the state and the system of government within it, leaving these instead to the innovative capacities of the ‘believing’ Most of what is related to political affairs is connected to rulings that came in the context of interventions of divine revelation in the Quran with regard to the developments confronted by the mission of the Prophet. Furthermore, most of these came as a corpus of general and diverse principles such as al-shuura (the practice of mutual consultation), justice, equality, sales and contracts, etc. As for the areas that were not touched upon by revelation and left open to human ijtihad (independent human reasoning guided by Islamic precepts), these are thousands of times more frequent than those areas covered explicitly by the Quran and sunnah of the Prophet (i.e., his normative, legally binding practice). This is another perspective on the inimitable nature of the Quran. Politics, economics, administration, technology, arts and literature all change and develop over the course of the ages and the international system and its composition change along with the nature of the state and the basis of its existence and identity, along with the system of rule within it. Before this inevitable sort of change, which demands great flexibility, Islam does not propound anything more than general principles and a reason whose thought is regulated according to the providential set of concepts. For this reason, the Quran is virtually free of the sort of detail contained in constitutions about powers and their constitutional institutions as well as their make-up, specializations and the points of articulation between them.
- Al-Jami is a founder of the contemporary salafist movement which came into existence in Saudi Arabia and calls for obedience to the de facto rulers (i.e., the Saudi royal family) while rejecting opposing political work as well as opposition political activities, demonstrations, preferring adherence and the lack of any public criticism or the rulers as well as others.
- ‘Sovereignty’ is based on the legal concept of a set of powers; that is, of rights and duties that apply in a basic way to all members of the legal order. Following on this, all members are equal before the law. From this there emerges the principle of equality among ‘sovereign’ The United Nations’ (UN) Charter, in the first paragraph of its second section, specifies ‘equality in sovereignty between the states’ – one of the most important principles upon which the UN organization is founded. The fourth paragraph of the same section specifies censures the use of force or the threat of it on the part of all member states of the UN against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state. As for the seventh paragraph, it specifies that there is nothing in the charter that sanctions the intervention of the UN into the internal affairs of the internal authority of any state. This means, in accordance with the foregoing, that sovereignty has two guarantees: (1) the political guarantee of sovereignty manifest in the independence of the state and the impermissibility of encroaching upon its territorial integrity; and (2) the legal guarantee of sovereignty represented in the equality between it and other states in addition to the impermissibility of intervention in its internal affairs by other states.
- These are: the national strategy for security of the nation, issued in 2002; the national strategyfor combating weapons of mass destruction, issued in September 2002; and the national strategy for combating terrorism, issued in February 2003.
- The satellite television channels played an essential role in inciting and provoking the Arabstreet. Some Arabic-language satellite channels espoused ‘neutrality’ with regard to one event at the expense of another; and it was observed that some of these channels sometimes actually caused a particular event in question by conflating it, fabricating it or manipulating its course. An opinion poll conducted by the Arab-European Centre for Research, based in Paris, revealed that Arab satellite channels did not operate with objectivity with regard to what was transpiring of events in the Arab nation; and this included Arab satellite channels as well as those set up by Western states.
- YouTube™ clips and activity on Twitter™ played a major role in garnering international attention for cases of autocracy in some of the countries of the Arab nation. Some surveys indicate that the number of those using Facebook™ in the Arab region alone by 2010 had reached 20 million users, most of whom were among the youth. (All the Arab countries in which the survey was conducted showed that youth accounted for 90% of users.)
- According to the website al-’Arabiyah News on 18 April 2016, British intelligence services are assisting Syrian rebels in mounting successful attacks against the forces of the regime. The weekly newspaper Sunday reported that British intelligence services played a secret role in the revolt against the regime, which erupted first in March 2011. It reported that British intelligence was using its military bases in Cyprus to track the movements of the Syrian army as well as to transport Syrian fighters through Turkey. The Swedish website Today on 15 July 2015 published two pictures of prisoners with the following description: ‘These two British soldiers were arrested by Iraqi police in 2005 while planting a bomb at night in one of the crowded marketplaces, which was set to go off in the morning, thereby inciting civil strife in order to strike a blow at the Iraqi people in all their different sects, a people who lived for centuries in diversity and brotherhood.’ Under investigation, these two British soldiers confessed to kidnapping 34 individuals among both Sunni and Shi’ite extraction and to torturing and killing them, thereafter throwing their corpses in the street in order that Sunni and Shi’ite factions should accuse one another of the crimes. Soon thereafter, British forces broke into the Iraqi police station in order to ‘liberate’ the two soldiers. The Chinese newspaper The People (a newspaper close to Chinese intelligence) reported that in one of its investigations it discovered that 60% of the operations involving detonation of bombs in marketplaces and mosques as well as the kidnapping and killing of civilians were undertaken by foreign intelligence services through their operatives. This is the same scenario that is occurring in the countries of the ‘Arab Spring’. In 2009, an Iraqi citizen was arrested at a US army checkpoint. The Iraqi driver was taken out of the car and into the adjoining building. After the other passengers had been removed and while the driver was being held, his car was booby-trapped. After apologizing and assuring the driver that his detention had merely been routine security procedure, he was released. There was, however, a car driven by another Iraqi that happened to be following the aforementioned individual who reported that once the lead car reached one of the crowded streets, it was detonated by men of US intelligence. This is one of the ‘black ops’ of foreign intelligence used to create civil strife and incite civil war in Iraq. Another Iraqi reported that during the Iraq War, Iraqi mental patients in one hospital were drugged and then booby-trapped before being released; and when they arrived at particular points, they were blown up by remote control.
- The website on 24 February 2011 reported that US President Barack Obama asserted in a press conference at the White House on 23 February 2011 that the wave of revolts sweeping through some of the Arab countries of the Middle East were taking place as a result of the will of its peoples and not in accordance with the will of Washington. Subsequently, went on to report on 5 May 2011 that Obama said that the uprisings in the region of the Middle East served the United States and granted it a major opportunity; and he saw that these revolts opened up vast horizons before the new generations. Obama described these revolutions as ‘winds of freedom’ blowing through the region and said that the forces that overthrew Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak should cooperate with the United States and Israel.
- ‘Creative destruction’, or what is perhaps more aptly termed ‘creative chaos’, is a political– ideological term that refers to the creation of a political situation after a phase of premeditated chaos in the wake of events. It is undertaken by appointed persons without their identities being revealed; and this is aimed at turning matters to their advantage and interests. It may also be used to foment an amenable human situation after a phase of premeditated chaos by known persons in order to help others to become self-reliant.
Disclosure statement
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author.
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