We and Our Heritage: Contemporary Readings in Our Philosophical Heritage

$12 $

AuthorMohammed Abed Al-JabriDate30/1/2020No. of Pages416EditionthirdISBN9789953828961E-ISBN9786144981757


Weight0,61 kg
Dimensions24 × 17 cm
Product Type

Electronic, Paper

The Center for Arab Unity Studies published the third edition of the We and Heritage: Contemporary Readings in Our Philosophical Heritage by Dr. Muhammad Abid Al-Jabri.

These “contemporary readings” discussing basic aspects of our philosophical heritage were written by a prominent thinker from Morocco, as a contribution to the continuous effort of enhancing contemporary Arab thought to establish an appropriate way of approaching heritage.

Although these readings were written in distinct times from one another, meaning that there was no initial intention for all of them to be compiled together, they arise from one particular perspective insofar the  readings presented go beyond mere descriptive research, and provide an interpretation that offers the reader sense and meaning to their intellectual-social-political environment. As the reading attempts to make the text contemporary to us in terms of understanding and reasonableness, making the text contemporaneous for itself implies its separation from the reader himself , hence creating a link between the reader to the text itself. These readings therefore depend on separation and connection as two principal methodological steps, and here lies therein the book’s fundamental advantage and novelty.

محمد عابد الجابري

ولد في المغرب عام 1936. وافاه الأجل في 3/5/2010. حصل على دكتوراه الدولة في الفلسفة عام
1970 من كلية الآداب بالرباط. له العديد من الكتب المنشورة منها:
■ العصبية والدولة: معالم نظرية خلدونية في التاريخ العربي الإسلامي (1971)
■ مدخل إلى فلسفة العلوم، جزءان (1976)
■ تكوين العقل العربي (نقد العقل العربي (1)) (1982)

■ بنية العقل العربي: دراسة تحليلية نقدية لنظم المعرفة في الثقافة العربية (نقد العقل العربي (2)) (1986)

■ العقل السياسي العربي، محدداته وتجلياته (نقد العقل العربي (3)) (1990)

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