The Zionist Economy and the Palestinian economy

$10 $

AuthorAhmad Sayed Al NajjarDate 3/1/2023No. of Pages240EditionFirstISBN9786144980118E-ISBN9786144980705

Weight0,355 kg
Dimensions24 × 17 cm
Product Type

Electronic, Paper

The Center for Arab Unity Studies published the book The Zionist Economy and the Palestinian economy by Ahmad Sayed Al Najjar.
The economy played a very important role in founding the Zionist entity, whether before or after the 1948 war. The construction of the Zionist economy in Palestine began with the funds of the Zionist Jews who were expelled to Palestine, and with the funds provided by the World Zionist Organization and the Jewish Agency from Jewish donations, especially in the United States, during the British Mandate over Palestine; moreover, from the confiscation of Palestinian lands and general assets during the British Mandate over Palestine. This construction was also reinforced by the influx of financial and in-kind aid that the Zionist entity received from Europe and the United States of America, before moving to a new phase after the establishment of the Zionist entity in 1948, during which the entity seized huge amounts of private and public Palestinian assets after the expulsion and displacement of the landowners.
This book provides a comprehensive database and scientific analysis of the development of the Palestinian and Zionist economies until 2022. The book begins by refuting the Zionist lie about the myth of the Palestinians selling their land. It monitors the situation of the besieged Palestinian economy under British colonial tutelage and Zionist arrogance. It presents possible paths for its development in the current circumstances. It also monitors the stages of development of the Zionist economy, which aspires to hegemony, and the role of massive financial and in-kind aid in granting it the conditions for its continuation. The book also confirms that any solution to the Palestinian cause requires a colossal struggle by all means without exception, in the existential struggle in order to derive the right from the impossible.

أحمد السيد النجار

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