The ARAB FUTURE (AL MUSTAQBAL AL ARABI), No. 537, November 2023



Weight0,280 kg
Dimensions24 × 17 cm
Journal Form

Electronic, Paper


The Flood of October: The Palestinian Iliad…………………….. Seif Daʼna        7


Colonial knowledge and the history of Palestine……… Ahmed Al-Dabash      13

The history of Palestine has suffered from the brunt of «colonial knowledge” as a reflection of the biblical narrative, in which «Israel» appears to have an ancient past while Palestine does not. To the point that one archaeologist stated that «the children of Israel»  were «the only people who made this country their natural home.»  This study deals with some aspects of «colonial knowledge», starting with Orientalism, transiting through historical and archaeological research in Palestine, and the establishment of Western associations and institutions whose main goal is to produce «colonial knowledge», and the method adopted by Western research circles in producing an imagined history of «the Children of Israel». It quickly became an «Israeli» national narrative; It depicts Palestine as «a land without a people for a people without a land.»

Keywords: Colonialism, Palestine, Orientalism, Israel.

The Palestinian Social Factor: From Fragmented Action
to Collective Action……………………………………. Bilal Awad Salamah      29

This study attempts to trace the role of the Palestinian social factor in the political, social and economic sense in the midst of structural changes that affect the formation of the Palestinian scene, and how those changes were reflected in Palestinian society, paving the way for the empowerment of individual salvation, decline of social solidarity, and the dismantling of collective structures in a means not witnessed before. The Palestinian has been like this before. The study also attempts to read and analyze actions that are labeled as «individual actions,»  as an integrated collective actions in which radical resistance clusters are formed within incubating social and national environments to face Zionist oppression control mechanisms, and how individuals and groups contribute to forming a culture, awareness, and goals directed toward forming a culture based on Collective action.

Keywords: Palestinian social factor, collective action, rhizomatic resistance, replacement colonialism.

Normalization policies and their goals
in the Arab Maghreb…………………………………………. Khadija Sabbar      52

The normalization of relations between some Arab Countries and the Zionist entity through the Deal of the Century came at the expense of Palestinian people rights, complicating the path to achieving it. The Kingdom of Morocco was one of the first Arab countries to establish informal relations with the Israeli entity, and it joined the normalization train in recent years. This study examines the dimensions of this normalization, the American and Israeli policies that were adopted to achieve it, and the effects of normalization on the region and the Palestinian issue. It focuses on the role of the Kingdom of Morocco in normalization and the historical background of the relationship of Moroccan Jews with the Zionist entity, and on ways to confront normalization in Morocco.

Keywords: Arab-Israeli normalization, Morocco, American policies, Zionism, the Moroccan National Movement.

Research trends in digital media research: complications of reality
and future opportunities……………………………….. Amira Samah Faraj      71

The financial crisis of 2008 ushered in a controversial decade that gave way to a dark era of war, terrorism, mass displacement, the resurgence of xenophobic white nationalism, ISIS, Brexit, Trumpism, and other issues that came to define a turbulent era. This research paper examines the economic contexts and theories of capital that contitute the difference in digital media research; The questions that digital media research must enquire to respond to a world in crisis; How did transformations in digital media technologies change the nature of the questions asked by media and cultural studies scholars, the theoretical frameworks, or the methodologies they used?

Keywords: Digital Media, Global Crises, Capitalism, Social Sciences.

Image of the Libyan personality and the complications
of self-bias……………………………….. Ali Muhammad Ali Al-Tanazafti      99

This research discusses the problem of symmetry between the subject and the object in the Libyan personality, and how the «ruling» ego is biased against its subject in political behavior, with which it must sympathize, embrace, stand by and support. This blind behaviour led the country to where it now stands at, being aware of how normal values were denounced. This research demonstrates the effect of articulation on identity symmetry, not in general, but rather an approach to indicators and indications, which the reader reads in the disturbance of values, sovereign awareness, and how to combine the question of identity and the question of development through a theoretical vision that may pave the way for the approximation and collection of identity symmetry.

Keywords: Libyan Personal Identity, Self, subject, Sovereign Awareness.

The Indian Corridor and its role in strengthening Israel’s
position in the Middle East…………………………………… Jamal Wakim    117

This article addresses India-Middle East-European transit line that was launched under the auspices of the United States as a trade line with geopolitical dimensions that aims to strike at the Belt and Road Initiative launched by China in 2013 to be a network of trade and economic relations that transcends American hegemony. The article believes that the line, in its Middle Eastern part, aims to establish an alliance between «Israel»  and Arab countries that did not have a historical leadership role in the Middle East region, in which the line acts as a backbone of a regional system based on a pioneering role for «Israel»  in partnership with marginal Arab capitals to ensure that the new regionalism in the Middle East is completely subordinate to American hegemony.

Keywords: India, Israel, Pro-Normalization Countries, Indian Corridor, Silk Road.

Popular and cultural exchanges between
China and Arab countries within the framework of
the «Chinese-Arab Cooperation Forum» …………………. Lu Ling Ling    130

The China-Arab Cooperation Forum was established in 2004. Ten years later, the Chinese government proposed a strategic concept for the Belt and Road initiative, giving China-Arab relations new content and new tasks in the 21st century. The diplomatic relations between the two sides have injected strong impetus into achieving «two sided exchanges» and the «Arab countries» have also become an «important growth point towards comprehensive diplomacy» with China. At the same time, cultural exchanges between the two parties have faced many challenges; The turbulent situation in the Middle East, the heterogeneity between the two major civilizations, and the unequal distribution of areas of cooperation are issues that must be resolved. Therefore, enhancing popular and cultural exchanges between the two parties is a must.

Keywords: China, Arab countries, China-Arab Cooperation Forum, Two-Sided Exchanges.

Articles and opinions

Artificial intelligence and the future
of Palestinian memory………………………………….. Taghrid Al-Sumairi    149

Books and readings

The Arab intellectual and current issues, positions and roles
(Muthanna Faiq Marhi)………………………………………… Said Bouaita    156

Books Summeries  162

Arabic books: Gulf-States Knowsphere: Towards a New Knowledge Space; In our circumstances and the circumstances of others; The United Nations in the Balance of Islamic Sharia: The objectives and general principles of the United Nations Charter in light of Islamic Sharia; The Russian Experience: Putin and the National Security Strategy

Foreign books: Best Things First; Government Gangsters: The Deep State, the Truth, and the Battle for Our Democracy; Structural Injustice and Workers’ Rights

Research Reports: An Israeli Dilemma; Deterrence between Israel and Hizbollah Must Hold.

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