

Weight0,265 kg
Dimensions24 × 17 cm
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Electronic, Paper


A New Phase of Arab Reconciliation……………………….. Ali Eldean Hilal        7


Normalization Agreements and their consequences on the Palestinian
cause and the Gulf Cooperation Council……………. Radhi Al-Musawi      12

The recent agreements between the Zionist entity and the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain embodied a major breakthrough in the normalization course, especially since these agreements came at a time when the Arab world is suffering from unprecedented weakness, dispersion, turmoil and disorientation. Not to mention, internal Palestinian situation is still suffering from severe division and the absence of common denominators between the main parties on the Palestinian scene, all while the Palestinians, whether in Gaza or the West Bank are drowning in poverty, unemployment and suffering from poor conditions. This study sheds light on the “Abrahamic Accords” and the economic, political, social and security consequences of normalization on the Palestinian cause and the Gulf Cooperation Council.

Keywords: the Palestinian cause, the Gulf Cooperation Council, normalization, the Abrahamic Accords.

Libya: Revolution and Social and Economic Change:
A “Precariat” Study…………………………………………. Moufid al-Zaidi      35

The 2011 “revolution” in Libya brought about major political and socio-economic changes. In this context, the “precariat” emerged in the Libyan society as a new social group that is still under formation, all while suffering from instability and marginalization. It represents a disadvantaged social group that is somewhat similar to the proletariat; However, this new precariat class has not yet been recognized as a class according to the Marxist concept, as it has not reached the required social and economic levels, and represents a “group” in this sense or concept. This study raises a central question regarding the Libyan reality after the revolution, and its implications on the precariat class in society.

Keywords: Libyan revolution, economic crisis, precariat, political conflicts, division in Libyan society.

Political transformations in Yemen and their repercussions
on the Saudi policy………………………………………… Aya Youssef Zaki      50

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is a major player in regional politics, it plays a leading role in the Gulf region, Arab and Islamic world in general. Changes in Saudi foreign policy became much more apparent after King Salman bin Abdulaziz came to power, as the Kingdom decided to adopt a militaristic option to deal with some of the challenges it faces in the region, especially in areas adjacent to its borders. War in Yemen was an expression of such changes in Saudi foreign policy. Therefore, the Saudi policy towards Yemen represents an ideal case for examining how foreign policies are affected by internal political developments.

Keywords: uprising in Yemen 2011, political shifts, Saudi policy, war, Iranian role.

The Juba agreement for peace in Sudan:
a strategic analytical vision………………… Abdul Rahman Abu Khreis      65

Sudan is witnessing major geopolitical shifts due to the continuing political crisis and armed conflicts since independence, which has always threatened its political stability and national cohesion, and later on leading to the secession of the south in 2011 following the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) signed by the central government and the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement in south of the country. Later on, this agreement came to be viewed as a model by the armed forces of the 2019 revolution, giving inspiration to new settlements with the central government. This study aims to provide a general analysis of the Juba Peace Agreement signed between the armed movements and the transitional government, with the aim of knowing the course of the agreement and its future.

Keywords: peace in Juba, the transitional period, the revolutionary front, armed struggle movements.

The future of Russian-Chinese relations
after the Ukrainian war……………………………… Khader Abbas Atwan      84

Russian-Chinese relations are amongst the most important relations that may give way to a different path in the unipolar world system, given to the two countries international standing as economic and military powers that are in contrast with the Western capitalist system. This research discusses the future extents of the Russian-Chinese relations, including the possibility of further strengthening, and their impact on the global system. The research aims to study the general indicators of Russian-Chinese relations and the paths that these relations can take, and what the future world order might look like.

Keywords: Russia, China, Russian-Chinese relations, world order, war in Ukraine

The reality behind the dress of the body and one-self,
in accordance to Nassif Nassar………………………… Ibrahim Al-Najjar      99

This is an analytical study of Nassif Nassar’s latest book, The Book of Ishtar: On Dress and the Body, which addresses the human as the source of multiple ways of thought in general and the body in particular. Including: emotional, artistic, scientific, mental and ethical thinking. Such thoughts intertwine with each other in an astonishing way forming a unique hierarchy. In it, rational thinking, along with ethical thinking, occupies a high and distinguished position. If a person preserves this hierarchy, and lives by its guidance, he might avoid slipping, but if negligent and tyrannical in his way thinking, the fragile balance within the human self will be shaken, and perhaps in society as well, which might lead to severe misery and unforeseeable evils.

Keywords: dress, body, nudity, individual, society, ethics, equality.


An interview with the historian Sayyar Al-Jamil about his latest book
“King Faisal I 1883 -1933: His Historical Roles and
the Renaissance Projects……………… Interviewed by: Nafisa Doweda    120

Articles and Opinions

The setback of state-building projects
in the Arab world…………………………………………. Shafi’ Boumneigle    126

The dilemma of democratic application
in the Maghreb…………………………………. Abdul Majeed Al-Barkawi    136

Justice amongst groups in Islam: from political
to ideological struggle…………………………………. Mostapha Dahmani    143

Books and readings

Israeli Settlement in the Occupied Arab Lands
(Issa Fadel Al-Nazzal)………………………… Zakir Muhyiddin Abdullah    167

Books Summeries……………………………………………………. Gaby Khoury    161

Arabic books: The Imperial Mode of Living: Everyday Life and the Ecological Crisis of Capitalism; Globalization and Hebraization in the Arab-Palestinian Linguistic Landscape in Israel; In the Sense of Place: A Revelation from the Lessons of the Jerusalemite Resistance; Political coexistence: A Longstanding Project or a Renewed Adventure?

Foreign Books: One State: The Only Democratic Future for Palestine-Israel; How Border Peripheries are Changing the Nature of Arab States; We the Elites: Why the US Constitution Serves the Few; The UAE after the Arab Spring: Strategy for Survival.

Research Reports: Rashed Ghannouchi, the Head of Tunisia’s Islamist Ennahda Party, Has Been Arrested; Why Sudan’s Conflict Matters to the Rest of the World.

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