

Weight0,265 kg
Dimensions24 × 17 cm
Journal Form

Electronic, Paper



Syria between blockade, the earthquake
and the new Arab role…………………………………. Mounir Al-Hamash        7


Algeria and the return of the East: the accessible choices
in a fluctuating world…………………………………. Abdul Qadir Dandan      11

This study examines ways for Algeria to strengthen its position within the international transformations taking place, and the extent of its ability to deal with such transformations, adapting to and employing them to gain a more imperative position and influence both regionally and globally. This approach stems from the shifting sphere of influence that is taking place on an international scale, as powers with well-known ancient traditions and history led by China, Russia and India, place American hegemony in a critical position, calling for the need to form a multipolar world, and a gradual power return towards the East. Such transformations require Algeria to redraw its foreign policy priorities, orientations, and options, which were Western inclined, since the nineties of the last century.

Keywords: Foreign Policy, the Importance of Algeria’s role, the International System, Global Transformations, Multipolarity.

Optimal Economic Production
of Iraqi Oil Wealth………………………………………. Sabri Zire Al-Saadi      29

The miserable failure of the enforced strategy for moving from the former economic regime towards market economy through applying the flawed neoliberal economic policies during the period (2003-2023), necessitates radical change of public investment criteria for utilizing public ownership of oil wealth in order to ensure optimal economic production, and to finance public investment projects necessary to achieve the targeted growth of production sectors and improving the deteriorated public services. The paper aims to identify the conditions required for optimal production and assess the real economic cost of utilizing oil wealth, as well as regulate the foreign exchange rate’s accordingly, through a proposed model of dual central economic planning and competitive market mechanism.

Keywords: Oil Wealth, Economic Policy, Exchange Rate of Iraqi Dinar, Shadow Prices, Economic Planning.

The civil state in the constitutions
of the Maghreb movement…………………………………. Radwan Tashfin      58

No one can deny that constructing the modern state in the Maghreb countries is one of the principal challenges facing Maghreb countries since independence, and with reference to this, the relationship between religion and the state was the most controversial. It is acclaimed that the Maghreb movement in Tunisia, Morocco or Algeria firmly invoked this issue, which led to the eruption of intellectual and political debate between two currents: the Islamists and the secularists, and within each current there are trends that express fundamental differences about the basic principles for building the modern state. In general, the controversy was whether the modern state should be implemented based on the European secular model or draw from the concept of Islamic state.

Keywords: Maghreb countries – Civil State – the Constitutions – Maghreb movement – Civil State.

Colonialism and economic knowledge in Palestine:
Approaches and analytical frameworks…………………… Taher Labadi       74

This Study aims to provide a critique overview of the body of knowledge on the Palestinian economy. In doing so, it discusses different paradigmatic approaches and the way they deal with the colonial reality. Among these approaches, “dualism” and “economism” are part of a single approach that reduces economic relations to the limits of the market only and ignores the conflicts and forces that arise within the economy itself. However, other works by economists, historians, sociologists, and anthropologists offer alternative approaches and valuable material thar give way to a different way of thinking. This study discusses the epistemic foundations on which economic studies are based, as well as its practical location within ongoing power relations, thus making economics a part of the overall thinking about renewing the theoretical and methodological tools to capture the Palestinian reality.

Keywords: Palestine, Colonial Economy, Economic Dualism, Development Aid, Non-politics, Economic Resistance, Knowledge in Conflict.

Strategies of Asian powers towards Afghanistan since the American
withdrawal: Between facing challenges
and seizing opportunities…………………… Ahmed Abdel-Hafez Fawaz      93

This study examines the strategies of major Asian powers such as Russia, China and India towards Afghanistan since the US withdrawal, which led to the reins of power being taken over by Taliban. Was the ideological factor the most prominent in illustrating Taliban’s relations with other regional powers? Or have interests played a bigger role on both regional and international contexts? At the regional context, competition between multiple parties is clearly visible, for example between India and China, or between India, Pakistan and Iran. At the international level, both India and Pakistan can be described as having positive relations with the West, while China and Russia’s appear to have what could be called strained relations at the least.

Keywords: Taliban, Afghanistan, Russia, China, India, US withdrawal, South Asia, Central Asia

The world according to the Ash’aris…………………. Moumen Abed el-Ali    118

The world may appear to be ordinary and familiar, but dwelling deeper into it, difficult philosophical issues arise, of which we can only understand through analysis and dialogue. Amongst the most important of these issues are: Is the world one or are there multiple worlds, especially since the word “world” was mentioned in the Qur’an in the plural form (the worlds)? When was the world created? Is it eternal or is it created? Is God compelled to create it according to this particular form, or is the divine will free to do whatever it wants? These questions represented the essence of the philosophy of the Islamic sects, but this study was limited to presenting the Ash’ari perception of that.

Keywords: perception of the world according to Ash’arism, the principle of causation according to Al-Ghazali, the contradiction of some Quranic verses with the principle of causation.

Articles and opinions

Arab food security in light
of the Russian-Ukrainian war………….. Issam Abdel Moneim El Badry    139

The war of Language in expressing
Arab identity………………………………………………. Abdulaziz Al-Khal    148

Books and readings

Biography of the Record and the Pen
(Nabhan Khreisheh)…………………………………………. Awad Al-Jaafari    158

Books Summeries………………………………………………………………..       164

Arabic Books: De-constructing Capitalism: Exploring the Deterioration in the Human Environmental Common; Jordan through the documents of the Ottoman archives; The Problematics of Arab Literature History: A Critical Study in the Philosophy of the History of Literature; Arab Cities: Between Tradition and Sustainability.

Foreign Books: The Aftermath of the Arab Uprisings: Towards Reconstruction, Democracy and Peace; Creative Insecurity Institutional Inertia and Youth Potential in the GCC; The Poverty Paradox: Understanding Economic Hardship Amid American Prosperity; Iraq: Power, Institutions, and Identities.

Research Reports: The Saudi-Iran Deal Reflects a New Global Reality; Revisiting America’s War of Choice in Iraq.

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